Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Roxcy: Such a pretty name. Guest Blog by GablesWannabeNoMore

Roxcy Bolton and Vincent E. Damian’s Coral Gables Citizens PAC held a press conference at Coral Gables City Hall yesterday. It had to do with a recall of Mayor Slesnick because of the tawdry doings in Coral Gables. The press conference was not very reportable although all the TV stations were there (why?).

What I did find noteworthy was an exchange Feminist Roxcy Bolton had with another woman in the crowd. Apparently the woman was questioning Roxcy’s support of Gonzalo Sanabria. The woman told Roxcy that Gonzalo voted to move the Urban Development Boundary. Roxcy, no enemy of the Everglades, disputed that.

What exactly did Gonzalo tell Bolton? The truth? Perhaps she didn’t remember it correctly. We all know that in the 2005 Cycle Gonzalo Sanabria voted to move the Urban Development Boundary on 9 applications and, of course, there was Florida City Commons too which was outside the UDB line. And weren't there at least half a dozen in the 2003 cycle? I don't think Mr. Sanabria would have lied to her since it all can be documented. She probably forgot.

Unrelated: There comes a time when to retire is a blessing for everyone and, more important, a service to one's legacy.


Anonymous said...

Roxcy is like Carrie Meek, she has gone on too long in the pubic. It would be a very good time for her to retire.

I think she has become too angry and bitter. I hope she considers retiring before everyone hates her. I admired her very much when she was younger.

Anonymous said...

This group is marginalized now. They aren't what they once were.

Anonymous said...

Try living on her block.


Geniusofdespair said...

I had to remove your post as you called someone something that is not true. David Brown might be many things but you cannot wildly make up anything you want about him...at least not here.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who said what about who. But I do know Maria Anderson stood by David Brown until it was impossible to do so any more. David and Slesnik could take it to the bank that they had Anderson and Whithers vote any time they needed it.

Maria will probably win this election. But I wouldn't consider it a resounding vicotry for good governance. She's just the lessor of two evils in this race.


Geniusofdespair said...


Maybe Anderson and Slesnick believed Brown when he lied to them.

I think Anderson and Slesnick were duped because this guy had 28 good years of service where he did good things for the city and as we all know, power corrupts (Alex Daoud). In 2001 the reserve under Eads was only $600,000. Today there are $10,000,000 of reserves because of David Brown.

I think Anderson and Slesnick are honest, trying to do the best for their city. Perfect no. You have to look at the big picture with these politicians.

I believe that the Coral Gable Development machine is after Anderson so they can get their guy in and they will stop at nothing to try to take over. Slesnick is not as vulnerable.

This little blog is the only media outlet that has followed Gonzalo's work for years and years. He has always been a thorn to good growth policies. If Coral Gables hates Anderson's votes on developments...wait till they see Sanabria's. They could be in for a rude awakening.

I will not diss a good hearted, ethical candidate like Anderson because she is getting the treatment only Armando Gutierrez machine can dish out. Brutal.

Anonymous said...

David doesn't get credit for $10 million in reserves. He was the beneficiary of a realestate boom that sent property values through the roof. It is also false to claim $10 million in reserves, but on the other hand have a pension fund that is not actuarily sound.

But the City Beautiful seems to be "The City that never learns" or "The City that can't get out of it's own way".

They just picked themselves a manager that is for all intents and purposes David Brown on Steroids".


Anonymous said...

A shame that George Volsky is such a puppet for the dark side. Brown was a jerk, to be sure. But the dark side must be laughing with tears in their eyes, how Volsky's little performance for "good government" is opening the door wide open for the thieves to back up the truck to City Hall.