Saturday, February 07, 2009

Can you guess what I created here? By geniusofdespair

Hit read more to see what this computer generated "art" represents, but take a guess first:

Yes, it is the Golden Glades Interchange!


swampthing said...

Car-razy, does it match the sofa?. Let's not complain about the golden-glades cluster flub, lest fdop starts tearing it up for "improvements". The real nightmare is the current roadwork at the next interchange south on 95. No amount of tar and concrete will solve the traffic problems in Miami. A car (or 2) in every driveway, an army of meter-maids, tow-trucks, radar cameras, traffic court, mechanics, car dealers, car ads, nascar-heads, cars as extensions of identity, cars as lethal weapons, all add up to a car-razy culture. By pairing a person (driver) with a gadget loaded with legal conditions, the automobile gives us mobility in exchange for our autonomy in the streets.

Anonymous said...

And just wait till the 826 - 836 spagettibowl construction begins.

More fun for your morning eastbound commute from the south & west. Enjoy!