Friday, October 31, 2008

Mini McBush. by SunshineUnderground

One South Florida Media Fund, a left of center independent 527, working against the Diaz-Balarts this cycle, dropped this mailer all over district 25 this week. Does anyone think these things actually work? I guess people wouldn't spend so much money on them if they didn't.

As you can see, the mailer attacks Mario Diaz-Balart as a Bush "Mini-me," in lockstep with the president on economic policy. Now, I could ask the Diaz-Balart campaign to respond, but I'd probably get something predictable like, "This mailer is ridiculous! Joe Garcia is
a socialist who plans to redistribute wealth by taking it from working families and giving it to Charlie Rangel and his liberal allies."

But we want to be fair here, so for the sake of equal time, here is a quote the Miami Herald's endorsement of Mario:

"We recommend Mr. Diaz-Balart in this race, however, not for his position on a single issue, but for his overall record of engagement on policy issues and for delivering resources and jobs to the district. Mr. Diaz-Balart, 47, secured $100 million in funding for the Metrorail Miami Intermodal Center and helped Florida get billions more to improve highways and infrastructure. He helped to pass the Everglades Restoration bill and got $370 million more for a special water-delivery component of that project."

About that endorsement: Somehow I don't think Joe Garcia would be against getting federal funds to support local projects, and if the democrats get control of the seat, they will, if they know what's good for them, direct plenty of funds his way to prevent the seat from slipping back to the Republicans.


Anonymous said...

"Does anyone think these things actually work?"

Duh, duh, duh.

Anonymous said...

It is actually a very funny piece.