Wednesday, October 29, 2008

VIDEO Are you better off than you were four years ago?


Anonymous said...

You are kidding right.

Anonymous said...

I am immensely better off than 4 years ago - but I don't wait around hoping for change - I go out and do it myself - I guess that's what you call responsibility - it's a novel concept - 2008 has been a bad year for me but the 15 prior years were outstanding

Anonymous said...

No I am not better off

1. my health insurance plan is worse than ever and much more expensive

2. the house I purchased with hard earned dollars and 20% down payment has plunged in value leaving me with an upside down mortgage and a neighborhood filled with foreclosed homes

3. my international standing as an American citizen is in the basement

4. my buying power has dwindled even though I've received a couple of good raises

5. my property taxes, my home insurance are thru the roof

More than anything, I think the Bush and Republican nightmare of the last 8 years has strengthened my distrust of government and I'm looking forward to Barack Obama as President to restore my faith that the United States is once again a great country we can all believe in.

Anonymous said...

I know who else is better off:

Exxon Mobil posts biggest US quarterly profit ever
Thursday October 30, 8:29 am ET
By John Porretto, AP Business Writer
Exxon Mobil shatters own record for largest profit from operations by a US corporation

HOUSTON (AP) -- Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, says it shattered its own record for the biggest profit from operations by a U.S. corporation, earning $14.83 billion in the third quarter.
Bolstered by this summer's record crude prices, the Irving, Texas-based company said Thursday that net income jumped nearly 58 percent, or $2.86 a share in the July-September. That compares with $9.41 billion, or $1.70 a share, a year ago.

The previous record for U.S. corporate profit was set earlier this year, when Exxon Mobil earned $11.68 billion in the second quarter.

Revenue rose 35 percent to $137.7 billion.

On average, analysts expected the company to earn $2.39 per share in the latest quarter on revenue of $131.4 billion.

Anonymous said...

drill baby drill

Anonymous said...


If you bought your house in 2004 (or earlier) and you put down 20%, and you are claiming you are upside down today, you either got ripped off on the purchase, or are not being entirely truthful on that point.

People who are claiming they are worse off because the value of their home has declined are full of it. It was paper wealth that was useless unless you were: a) looking to flip, or b) using your equity line like a credit card.

Anonymous said...

Another group that is better off.

South Florida
What a shock: FPL bills stay high despite big fuel drop

Michael Mayo
News Columnist

October 30, 2008

I think I've figured out my FPL bill.

When there's a hurricane, it goes up.

When fuel prices rise sharply, it goes up.

And when the cost of oil and natural gas drop dramatically ... it stays up.

Anonymous said...

No you're FPL is going up to pay for its nuclear power plant in Florida City.

Anonymous said...

1. just imagine not being able to get timely and needed medical services, because socialized medicine will do that. Thats why many foreigners come here for.
2. you may qualify for some relief from the bailout package. What a country?
3. Don't worry so much about what foreignors think of you, they have never liked us much to begin with cause we are the envy of the world.
4. Your buying power has dwindled...just wait and see if Obama takes over. Either your taxes will rise more or you will get a welfare check as redistribution of wealth kicks in.
5. This one is a tough one, but its mostly a State and local issue.

Here lies the problem with many Obama followers, you are putting Obama as a savior, over and above what America is all about. We know very little about Obama, and what we do know is troubling and disconcerting to say the least. He, nor GW, JFK, Reagan, Clinton, Lincoln, or any other of our Presidents is above what our Country is and what we stand for. These people come and go and America continues. Its about us, "we the people."
We are a GREAT COUNTRY, and a COUNTRY we should all believe in.

Anonymous said...

I am not better off.

As everything went up in smoke in this country, my life style went too. I really resent the fact that at a time when things should be fun for my family we are looking at giving up the life style and home that we worked for the last 35 years for. Actually ... our lifestyle changed when the insurances, taxes, cost of living and health care costs went out of control.

I am so sorry for those military families who have lost and given more than I can ever imagine. I ache for them.

Anonymous said...

In fact, I have friends around the world and I do value their opinion of my country.
In fact, I've lost real dollars, not paper wealth, when you see the 20% down payment you made on your home purchase evaporate - there's no way I could sell my house today to even cover the mortgage, forget about getting back the 60K I put down, if I were to want to move out of Florida or take a job transfer. It seems the Obama hater nation didn't do well on the math portion of the SAT's....
I'm not looking at Obama as a saviour - I'm looking at Obama and thinking - jeepers, for the first time in a long LONG time there's a man that's inspiring people - what could be more frightening for the righty-tighties than an inspired nation! Gobama..

Anonymous said...

Obama is a bamboozler, and an arrogant control freak. Who is he to tell the media what to ask and what to show. He is censoring the media to his full advantage.
Inspired, please, not me. With his associations, his background and his intentions, no he does not inspire me. Righties love to have an inspired nation, that is not frightening. What is frightening is an Obama presidency.

Anonymous said...

I'm not frightened in the least by an Obama presidency. What has been frightening is the past eight years. The amount of blood and treasure spent in a war waged under false pretenses, the legitimization of torture,Guantanamo,warrantless wire tapping, the shredding of the Constitution, the ruination of America's image abroad. These are the kinds of things that frighten me and have made me fear for the future of our country. Why expect people to believe in the fear mongering by McCain / Palin and their supporters when these are the same folks who supported Bush?

Anonymous said...

Look just go vote for Obama, I will go vote for McCain and the hell with the rest. I'm not gonna convince you and you are not going to convince me. The diferences are to big. I think I am right and you think you are right. Peace out!