Monday, September 29, 2008

Wall Street Bailout: How South Florida Congressional Delegation Voted. By SunshineUnderground

South Florida’s congressional delegation split along party lines in the vote on the bailout package that went down to defeat in the house today, with Democrats supporting the bill and Republicans rejecting it.

In the “Aye” column were Democrats Alice Hastings, Kendrick Meek and Debbie Wasserman Schulz, while Republicans Llena Ros-Lehtinen and Mario and Lincoln Diaz-Balart voted no. See the complete roll call here.



Anonymous said...

95 democrats rejected it as well. Pelosi could not even muster her mindless robots to vote for it.

Anonymous said...

obviously they were not mindless robots. They thought enough about about the bailout to decide that it was not right yet. Yes even the republicans Had some true conservatives that did not like the bill.

Anonymous said...

No the 95 dems had a deal to save their image back home. Pelosi kicked the deal to the curb with her idiotic rant. The 15 pubs who were going to vote yes said take a hike.

Anonymous said...

It's wild how folks assume Ms Pelosi is paid any attention to. This is political stunt gone awry. Let me repeat - it's the little people who will suffer first, suffer the worst and suffer the longest. Yesterday was a very sad day for hope.