Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This is a picture of ...

An AIG executive's golden parachute? A whistle blower of Halliburton? Or, a pollster? Tell us your view.


Anonymous said...

not funny. why is this comment necessary?

Geniusofdespair said...


I don't even like the picture...everyone is spooked out there...no one is quite sure how to react, I am turning to Jazz and others to humor (maybe not our style). It is a release. Be patient this week. I think the nation is numb....they should be if they have a brain.

Anonymous said...

Genius I have to disagree here.
If the nation had a brain, this mess would have been recognized by more people.
I have personally been vilified by people who refused to consider that housing does not always go up and that the possibility of an economic crash was inevitable was heresy.
Fortunately there are other blogs of like minded people out there that have kept me relatively sane over the last five years as we watched this mess unravel.
Its time everyone gets their collective heads out of the elephants ass and learns some personal responsibility even if that includes reining in the excessive spending and (gasp!) saving for a rainy day -cause the rain is only just starting.

Anonymous said...

agree. I like the photo tho. I wonder if it is a democrat looking for a reason to support the bailout.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin looking for Russia?

Anonymous said...

What you see is the 228th member of the house who is having trouble joining his spineless coleagues in their hiding spot.

Anonymous said...

Looks like some of the guys at babalu to me.

Anonymous said...

Its Barney Frank looking for his payola from the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives.

Anonymous said...

Rosie O'Donnel's enema after All U Can Eat Buffet.

Anonymous said...

Rosie---a pig with lipstick...

Anonymous said...

What has happened to the local perspective on this blog?? Its obviosly Miguel DeGrandy up Natasha's manatee hating, free speech banning, fourth estate bashing , world traveling on the county's tab fat ass!!!

Come on people!!

Anonymous said...

Its Barney Frank hiding from Bill O'Reilly.

Geniusofdespair said...

Miguel DeGrandy up Natacha's butt. I vote for that as the winner.