Monday, September 29, 2008

Dow Suffers It's Largest Point Drop in History. By Geniusofdespair

The Dow Jones is tanking, when it lost 777.68 points earlier today it was the largest point drop in history.

My mother, not a high school graduate, explained the great depression to me in a very simple way. The man who sells the washing machines doesn't sell enough so he can't buy the car. The car salesman can't buy the house, so the real estate agent can't go out to eat, the restaurant owner can't buy the washing machine and so it goes: everyone loses. I figure she should know: she slept in the kitchen during the depression. It was etched in her being.

So, any of you out there who thinks this Wall Street crap won't effect you had better listen to my mother. It wasn't just the fat cats that this bail-out was going to help.

And, if there was ever false advertising, this ad takes the cake! It is from The McPain campaign. Reform? Prosperity? Peace? Are they kidding?

They had better check out the Dow today (are they in the same country as I am)? The McPains and Katie Couric


Anonymous said...

Pelosi opened up her mouth BEFORE the vote. Counting chickens prior to the hatch. She should have waited 30 minutes. They had a deal.

16:00 speech on c-span. Thanks for all you did Madam Speaker.

Anonymous said...

here is what I don't get. Wachovia was bought by Chase. Has does having an EVEN BIGGER corporation help the situation?

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me Anonymous 1? I think Barney Frank had the best analysis of what happen:

Anonymous said...

Barney Frank likes the microphone, could it be the shape?

Anonymous said...

Who listens to Pelosi?
What a weak excuse - I vote to further harm the economy becuase Nancy made me feel bad? - Political yammering while the country continues to suffer. What the little people forget is that it will be the little people who suffer first, suffer the hardest and suffer the longest.
This is absolutely astonishing.

Anonymous said...

Trying to capitalize politically on this meltdown started by Clinton, fostered by Franklin Raines and now blamed on Bush was insulting. Maybe if she stopped blinking for a second and had a thought that the national interest should be her first concern.