Monday, August 11, 2008

Eye on Miami Endorsements for August 26th Election: By Geniusofdespair & gimeteye

We took positions on some races and we have designated our choices with our intitial:
Geniusofdespair (G) gimleteye (g). Remember, although this is identified as a primary — IT IS NOT. You will be electing the commissioners and judges and making a choice on the ballot questions.

For Circuit Court Judge:
Migna Sanchez-Llorens v. Manny Segarra (vote Migna Sanchez G)
Rick Corona v. Abby Cynamon (vote Abby Cynamon G)
Jeri Beth Cohen v. Abbie Cuellar (vote Jeri Beth Cohen G)
Jorge E. Cueto v. Josie Perez Velis (vote for Josie Perez Velis G)
Marcia B. Caballero v Douglas J. Chumbley (vote for Douglas J. Chumbley G)
Denise Martinez-Scanziani v Bernard S. Shapiro (vote for Bernard S. Shapiro G)

County Court Judge:
Eric Hendon v. Denise Martinez-Scanziani (vote Eric Hendon G)
Lisa Victoria Lesperance v. Norma Shepard Lindsey ?
Yvonne Colodny v Patricia A. Kopco v Stephen T. Millan (vote for Yvonne Colodny G)

Carlos Alvarez (G and g) hit

County Commission:
District 1 Linda Faye Stephens (G and g)
District 3 Val Screen (G and g)
District 5 David Patlak (G and g)
District 7 Elected
District 9 Dennis Moss (G and g) Martin Lampkin
District 11 Whilly Bermudez (G and g)
District 13 Lourdes Aguirre (G and g)

School Board:

Martin Karp (G)
Angel Zayon (G)
Evelyn Greer (G)
Wilbert “Tee” Holloway (G)

Community Council 11:
Don Kearns (G)

Referendum Allowing the Construction of a
Community Arts Center at Tropical Park
Shall the County be allowed to construct a permanent
structure, a Community Arts Center, at Tropical Park to
increase community participation in, and appreciation of,
diverse cultural arts and recreation programs for children
and adults, and by creating cultural arts programming
space, exhibition space, and performance space?
(G – Vote no, don’t like buildings in parks we have little enough
Open public space/ g- Yes, the vicinity of Tropical Park is a cultural
wasteland: who from this neighborhood is going to attend
events at the $500 million Performing Arsht Center?)

Shall The Children’s Trust, the independent special
district for children’s services, be renewed to fund
improvements to children’s health, development and
safety including:
• programs to reduce violence and keep children safe,
• after-school and summer programs,
• programs to improve the educational quality of
child care, and
• health care teams for public schools; and promote
parental and community responsibility for children;
and continue the annual ad valorem tax levy not to
exceed one-half (½) mill?
(G- No opinion/ g- yes)

Feel free to leave your choices in the comments section.


Anonymous said...

Last I checked the election is in August

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Both my wife and I voted last week by mail. Yet we both managed to vote for those you recommend today. Nice to know we agree.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the children's trust: I understand that they were not able to provide summer programs and yet no one talks about it or tells the public why they failed to provide this service. I am uncomfortable with giving them public money. When does it stop? The United Way and the Red Cross seem to provide services to the needy without public money. Why can't CT raise funds privately?

Abel said...

I'm pretty sure you mean the August 26 elections.

What a shame that you guys endorsed Karp and Greer for School Board. They both have a history of voting against students, teachers, and services that directly affect us. Karp was fine with paying his Downtown administrators more money, but couldn't find it in him to put aside firing 110 gifted teachers. Pathetic.

He's also had the dirty campaign in this election, attacking Shawn Beightol any way he can, even if it means slandering him. Karp accused Beightol of not living within his district, and even after the State Attorney cleared everything up, Karp continues with the lies.

It's really sad when people can't see what's going on and make decisions that in turn end up being against the best interests of the community.

Adam said...

While I agree that Miami would be nicer with more open and public spaces, I think it is important to remember that perceptions of the open space are shaped by the enclosing buildings. tropical park could add several more acres of fields and it wouldn't really change the feeling of the site. Parks need contrasts, features contrasted with empty spaces. Also, parks need people. I believe that if the Community Arts Center at Tropical Park is done correctly, it would actually enhance the rest of the open space at the park and make it feel more inviting as well as providing a artistic focus for the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

We voted Bermudez by Absentee and our sons voted at Hammocks this morning!

Anonymous said...

Whilly Bermudez is the way to go for a better district 11.
I spoke with him Sunday afternoon as he walked door to door in my development and you can see the passion in his eyes. He walked thru rain and has managed to wear out 2 pairs of shoes since he began his campaign.
Mr Bermudez is gaining momentum and does not seem to be slowing down.
This is the candidate our community has been hoping for.

Best of luck Whilly,
Hope to see you on the dias soon.

Anonymous said...

I believe the elections are August 26, with early voting starting August 11.

Geniusofdespair said...

Thanks glad to get your opinions...i have an open mind.

Anonymous said...

I understand that the "cultural arts" center at Tropical Park is actually for Hispanic culture. I will vote no because this center does not celebrate our diversity.

Anonymous said...

I spent some time talking to Jorge Cueto. He's a wonderful person and one who I believe has great integrity. He lives in Western Dade and is on the same page with many and most of the concerns in Western Dade county. Personally, I think we would do well to have in in Circuit Court.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last anon. Jorge Cueto is a great guy and would be a great judge. Far better and more qualified than Josie Perez Veliz. I think GOD is mistaken on this endorsement and should rethink the choice.

Anonymous said...

The 'cultural arts' center they want to build in Tropical Park is not like the Arsht Center. This facility will have classrooms, meeting spaces, art spaces..etc.

I'm less concerned with having buildings in the park (not a big deal) and am more concerned by giving the county more money to build something that is really low on a long list of things that need to be funded (transit, infrastructure, schools...etc) I Agree with G - vote no!

Geniusofdespair said...

The reason you are voting on this building is because of the Dan Paul Ammendment of the Home Rule Charter, it was Article 6 (Now 7 I think). Anyway, he was trying to protect parks from buildings so he put in the wording that any building over 1,500 square feet would have to be approved by the voters. I am warning you people, this is a bad precedent. I think that they can get land elsewhere. A park should be open space.

Anonymous said...

I think that Zayon guy (you spelled it wrong) does not even speak English- How can you endorse him?

Geniusofdespair said...

Thanks - will fix the spelling. If they don't have to speak English to qualify, who am I to question it. I think Renier is too volatile. If this other guy is over the top volatile, no one will listen to him, and I suspect he is.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at Erhabor Ighodaro (instead of Holloway) for School Board, if you are in SB District 1.
He was the assistant to Dr. Ingraham who passed away during his SB tenure. He is an educator and Holloway is not.