Friday, June 27, 2008

Is This Our Tax Dollars at Work To Help a Candidate? By Geniusofdespair

I was driving North on 95 minding my own business when a bus drove by and what do I see, Commissioner Joe Martinez's mug on the back of the bus! Is he on every bus in Miami Dade County? He is running for re-election, these "public service" ads appear to give him an unfair advantage.

Whilly, you are fighting a very unfair battle running against him.


Geniusofdespair said...

I say tax dollars at work because even if this is public service and run free, we could have been getting money for a REAL AD. Free public service ads are for times when we have a shitload of money.

Anonymous said...

Joe Martinez is a poster child for what's wrong with the county commission: I am for whoever is running against him. A piece of wood in his seat on the dais would at least do no harm. So if Whilly Bermudez can't get the Herald endorsement, I'd suggest a write-in campaign for: Piece of Wood

Anonymous said...

Same info could have been on the bus without Napoleon's picture. Where is ethic's Robert Meyers?

Anonymous said...

I saw that same bus ad on a bus bench on Sunset. They are all over, I think

Anonymous said...

About a week ago I posted the banners he has all over his district for his health expo. As I recall they had his mug on them too. They were posted on light poles on Kendall Drive. Campaigning on your dime, you bet. Advertise the expo if you must but leave Martinez out of the ad.

Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of Joe's, but I think you guys are making more out of this than it really is.

It would be much worse if it had his name on it in big bold letters.

75% of the registered voters in his district couldn't pick the guy out of a line-up.


Geniusofdespair said...

I recognized him going 60 mph in a different lane. The people who ACTUALLY VOTE recognize him. The other 85% that don't -- you are right, they wouldn't recognize him.

Anonymous said...

Bus bench ads are expensive. He is campaigning on our dime. Genious send this blog and comments to the ethics.

Anonymous said...

Whilly has his hands full with this slime ball! Best of luck to him!! Hope he can pull it off and unseat this loser!

Anonymous said...

It would not hurt to offer willy some money

Geniusofdespair said...

Make your check payable to "Whilly Bermudez Campaign" and mail to:
1825 Ponce De Leon Blvd # 474
Coral Gables, Fl 3313

Anonymous said...

Little Joe Must GO!
Now we need the KFHA to step up to the plate and help this guy running against Martinez. They make contributions all the time for something good,
We feel anyone (other than Joe) can be something good for District 11 and the county commission as a whole.
Let's help Whilly Bermudez win against little Joe.
Then we can work on TERM LIMITS.

Anonymous said...

Theyre having a rally for Whilly today at 1:30pm on 107th Ave SW Coral Way. Interesting enough, it it right across the street from the youth fair expo center - which is where Napolean Joe will be holding his health & safety event.

We should go support Whilly out there...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does anyone really think the Kendall Federation will endorse Willy? Not me. They are too political and won't run the risk of pissing off Joe.

Geniusofdespair said...

agree, totally, they endorsed Souto...

Anonymous said...

Well since no one wants to run the risk of "pissing off" Joe, then its safe to say that people are OK with having him for another 4 years.

Same for Seijas, Diaz, & eCT

Anonymous said...

Let's think of funny places that candidates can advertise. My contribution is toilet paper. Think about it. Toilet paper is something you use every day. You use it in a thoughtful, quiet moment. I believe this could be a green initiative in campaigning. It's much better to print your message on something that can be "repurposed" (I love that word)than on something that will end up in a land fill.

Anonymous said...

I believe the measure of an honorable politician is not by the money he accepts as much as by the votes he casts. On this, Martinez measures low on the ethics scale. Many on the commission have accepted money from the same special interests, but only a hand full have such a despicable track record. Martinez tops that list, I am afraid. He is transparent.