Thursday, May 08, 2008

Wackenhut: County Audit Has Been Released. By Geniusofdespair

The long awaited Audit by Cathy Jackson, was released today on just one Wackenhut Contract (there are 2 with problems). Audit: Wackenhut overbilled Dade millions. With triple damages (The county's False Claims Act includes a provision for triple damages) we could be talking about close to $100 million in damages that Wackenhut is responsible for in the "Phantom Post" billing on two contracts.


Anonymous said...

Maybe that 100 million will keep some parks from cuts or add a few cops/firefighters. That's how we fund the deficit-go after the crooks. Won't happen. Seijas-Rundle will plea down to a new contract.

Anonymous said...

You go Mayor!!!Kick Wackenhuts butt. All this crap happened between 2002-2004. Its high time we clean this up and wrap up this soap opera. This was in bad faith by Wackenhut---they just need to pay MDC what is due, Rundle needs to do her thing, and we all move on.

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes, the Mayor moved on this: Saying they have 90 days to repay the money. I think the whistle blower lawsuit is going to prolong it, but it is good to hear the mayor speak out instead of his spokesperson all the time.

Anonymous said...

Yes the Mayor moved on this only after it was discovered that he was secretly meeting with Wackenhut's Lobbyists. By the way, the Mayor and Miami-Dade County is represented by the same attorney who has filed the original whistleblower suit. He and any Commissioners who have met with Wackenhut or their Lobbyists are forbidden to meet with anyone involved in the litigation without notifying "their" attorney. Sounds like a double-cross all along with County officials protecting the corrupt Wackenhut !