Saturday, May 10, 2008

Oscar Rivero: Investigators “Don’t F—K This One Up!! By Geniusofdespair

Here is one big fat chance in a lifetime and you just know it is going to get F—ked up. You just know it. Oscar Rivero, if you remember, was an affordable housing developer caught up in the “House of Lies” scandal uncovered by The Miami Herald in an award winning series. In today’s Herald it was said he gets 21 months in jail. However, this very savvy Circuit Court Judge Ellen Venzer, according to the Herald’s reporter Scott Hiaasen:

“... actually sentenced Rivero to 10 years in prison, a sentence she will reduce when he surrenders for prison on June 6 -- after he spends the next month giving information to investigators.”

Thank you Judge, I could kiss you, because we know there are bigger fish to fry like the County Commissioners. I don’t care about this little fish.

The article said:
“In the years before his arrest, Rivero had forged strong ties among the power brokers at County Hall.“

We need to finally know about these power brokers and how they operate. For instance, how do they influence our County Commission? How do they funnel money (paper or plastic), who are the "Bag Men/Women," etc.

We also have to thank Prosecutor Richard Scruggs:

“...Scruggs said he was prepared to file additional charges against Rivero for his role in other deals, but agreed not to arrest Rivero in those cases -- which Scruggs declined to describe in detail -- as long as Rivero agreed to cooperate as a witness.”

A word to these phantom investigators: So let’s not F—k up for once! Let’s get this guy, Oscar Rivero, to spill his guts and make him tell us how the system works. Above all, be sure he names some names, we all know they are out there. If he doesn't, give him the full 10 years!

P.S. Remember, water-boarding is not torture.


Anonymous said...

Let's hope this is the tip of the iceberg and many more connected insiders and politicians pay a price for the massive waste of taxpayer dollars.

Anonymous said...

The name Joe Martinez should be coming up shortly in connection with all this.

Geniusofdespair said...

I think we will more likely see names of commissioners in whose districts there are a lot of affordable housing developments....such as Rolle. Martinez? I am not so sure.

Anonymous said...

Water board him!

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying the following "former"commissioners are guilty of anything, but Oscar was a permanent fixture in the offices of Betty Ferguson and Barbara Carey-Shuler.
If history is any indication, the State Attorney will never go after any of the elected officials.


Geniusofdespair said...

Moderate you are right today. I often wonder if Carey Shuler left because she was to be taken down. I also have heard stuff about Ferguson from developer friends.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with the State Attorney? Why is there so much incompetence there.

Anonymous said...

Kathy Rundle's Office F-Up a political scandal ?


What is needed is for the Feds to get a shot at interviewing this guy, If the Feds get to talk with him, the whole crowd of scum in politics, and business will be singing so loud it will sound like the Tiki Birds at Disney.

Back to reality. The SAO WILL F%^@ it up.

Geniusofdespair said...

If they waste this opportunity, it will be a crime. I would be asking this guy so many questions his head would spin. I hope we are all wrong and that for once: Rundle's office will get all they need to stop this circus at County Hall....

Why can't I muster up some hope?

Anonymous said...

Why don't we flood Rundle's office with telephone calls? It's a start. Go for it, I will.


Anonymous said...

What if it is Rundle's office that wants to be sure that Rivero DOESN'T talk? Or, files everything away as "unsubstantiated allegations".

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Rivero's attorney is coaching him to offer up as little as possible. Maybe just enough to make what he says, palatable to the sao. It's the judge here who should put the hammer down. Unlike the case of the PBSJ case, where the guilty parties should have gone away for the maximum time.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Fernandez Rundle is related to a big landowner outside the Urban Development Boundary?

Geniusofdespair said...

I do not know if she is related -- if she got married she is. I googled and found her mentioned as "fiance" -- David Efron owns 157 acres outside the UDB...