Friday, May 09, 2008

Miami Dade County Clerk, Harvey Ruvin Raps. by Geniusofdespair

Check out Harvey Ruvin's Rap Song. Yes, Miami Dade County does have some good public servants. Vote for Harvey Ruvin for County Clerk.


Anonymous said...

When Harvey first ran for clerk I was very active in his campaign. I have never been sorry about that. He has fulfilled all my hopes.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Harvey! You're a light to this city.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone click on his web address at the end of the video? It's a campaign piece complete with a plea for money. His rap song is not exactly altruistic. Did the county commissioners pay one iota of attention to the report from his global warming taskforce? No. It was all campaign rhetoric for Harvey.
I remember Harvey trying to stop the Seijas petitions from being counted by inventing a new defination of "print". Siejas in return gave him the taskforce.
Get real, Harvey is one of them. If not he would not have lasted this long. Time for him to go.

Geniusofdespair said...

No Harvey is not one of them in any way shape or form. He was on the commission when the UDB line was formed and you can credit him with that...

Yeah, maybe the signature thing was not one of his stellar moments but you can't base a career on one bad move. I know the video it is a campaign piece too...but who has a better campaign piece? And it is sort of interesting...don't you think? He is a good guy.

Anonymous said...

"fulfilled all my hopes"?

What hopes did you have for the elected clerk? That he was going to revolutionize the role of the clerk's office? Have you ever been to, or requested anything from the clerk's office?
It's a frickin' joke. They are still a hugely paper dependant office, where if you request anything, it takes 2 months for them to mail it to you.

Try applying for a marriage license. Fourteen ladies who work there can't look up from their gum chewing and nail filing to assist you.

Harvey may be a decent guy, but he is as old school politics as the rest of them. He just found a cushy elected office that increased his pay from $6,000 a year to $200,000 a year and he took it. Similar to what Margolis is trying to do. Except, you can do more to change policy from the Property Appraisor's Office than you can from the Clerk's.

And don't get me started on the whole "Global Warming" sham. BS selective science pushed by a self perpetuating bunch of chicken littles.

They don't tell you that the average temperature of earth was 1 degree cooler in 2007 than it was in 1997,
They don't tell you that although the ice in antarctica has receded on the east coast, that it has expanded on the west coast.
They don't tell you that the polar bear population has increased 300% since 1972 (a rate of increase much greater than the human population).

Global Warming = The Big Lie.


Anonymous said...

I find it very interesting when people refuse to believe science and instead believe stories. Did you know BOTH poles are melting?

Anonymous said...

What is melting are the brain cells of many people.

Anonymous said...

Anybody preaching the Global Warming is a lie mantra is flat-out twisting the facts and honestly, people who are trying to solve the problem don't have time to waste on addressing this dumb@ss, idiotic Rush Limbaughesque attacks. The quintessential tell you a half truth, twist the logic make a story and plant doubt mentality which is solely intended to derail good policy.

Moderate, go preach that sh*t somewhere else, Miami is ground zero on climate change and Harvey deserves props for taking a TON of time outside of work hours to address the issue. If you think Katrina was bad, ponder the mass migration necessary if we continue business as usual. Harvey's passionate about doing something right, take a lesson from that.

Geniusofdespair said...

Not a Moderate:
You redeem yourself and then dig yourself in a hole again. You must drive your family crazy. It is obvious you know a lot, but you are very irritating sometimes. You present your views in a manner that cannot easily be digested or accepted. Luckily I know how to pick through the rubbish and get to the kernels of truth you sometimes write.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Moderate seems to not understand the definition of the word. Much of his comment is not moderate. If you investigate the scientific analysis of global warming, 95+% of scientists agree that there is a serious problem. You can cherry pick data and use a few selective experts to make any point, but being a moderate means taking a middle course, which is what the overwhelming scientific data suggests.

Anonymous said...

I read something somewhere recently that said Miami is at he top of the list of cities at risk...sea rising thing....and they were using a 40 year time limit, not 50. Where did I read that? Was it here on the blog somewhere. Oh, hell, I am going to bed.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Darrin E. McGillis for Clerk of Court. His web site really has details for change .

I will be voting for change.

Anonymous said...

Voters will be hard pressed to remember the last time they voted for this position. The year was 1992. That's when former county commissioner Harvey Ruvin was first elected to the position. He has been reelected without opposition ever since.

This time, David Nelson, a Miami-Dade schools library director, is challenging Mr. Ruvin in the Aug. 26 primary election. The primary winner will face three candidates, who qualified with no party affiliation, on the November ballot. Mr. Nelson, 45, ran for state agriculture commissioner in 2002 in an unsuccessful bid. He has managed a school library in Kendall for eight years, a job that pales in comparison to the responsibilities of the county clerk.

The county clerk manages a staff of 1,400 and a budget of $80 million. The office interacts with the county's multibillion-dollar financial operation and keeps the records for the County Commission and all divisions of the Miami-Dade County court system, including parking and traffic.

Mr. Ruvin, 71, has provided strong leadership, and we recommend him for another term. He is an avid racquetball player and health-and-fitness buff. Mr. Ruvin is working on a long-term project to make all of the court divisions paperless, i.e., make all files accessible by computer. The project has already been rolled out in traffic court.

Mr. Ruvin's other priorities include making the clerk's office more customer-friendly and continuing his efforts to promote environmental conservation. He chaired the county's Climate Change Advisory Task Force.

For Miami-Dade County clerk of courts, The Miami Herald recommends HARVEY RUVIN.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Vote for Darrin E. McGillis for Clerk of Court. His web site really has details for change .

I will be voting for change.

August 07, 2008

I visited McGillis web site and I was impressed. The Miami Herald is in the pocket of old school politicians.

Anonymous said...

Miami sucks period. Glad I moved away as fare as I could get from that place. It one of the most corrupt cities in the USA with its inner politics and police force. Try to get anything done in that town is like watching paint dry on a wall. The services down there are the worst in the USA, from the clerks to even home depot. Glad I live in a much more civilized place now, where you can do business and get things done and you get respect.....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous guys who moved from Miami, where is this better place you speak about? and can I go with you?

Anonymous said...

Vote for Alfredo Perez for clerk of court. Please do not vote for harvey ruvin, he is not even quilifed to run in this elections. And i know im personally and he is into fraud with the department of elections. FYI he is not a go person to be running are clerks office, lets give a chance to some other person that really care about the people, and that is Alfredo Perez