Vile Natacha Seijas has $116,100 and no one running against her. Bully Joe Martinez has $220,727.13 and two guys running against him. Audrey Edmonson has $78,515 and one woman running against her. Barbara Jordan is running unopposed and has $53,160. There is no challenger for Carlos Gimenez and he has $171,540.28 in his coffers. Bruno Barreiro is so confident he won’t get a challenge, he only raised $37,930. It appears Dennis Moss didn’t raise anything. Cocky aren’t they?
Pictured left: Whilly Bermudez with voter(?) from Bowman Ashe Elementary School. Whilly is running against Joe Martinez. I have to admit this Whilly guy has spunk! He grows on you. His campaign kick-off is at Cielo Garden & Supperclub, 3390 Mary Street unit 166 in Coconut Grove from 9 to 11 on May 31st (Saturday). Go check him out for yourself.
Looks like Bermudez works out. That could make him the strongest guy on the commission if he gets elected.
I think Martinez is in for a shocker with the Bermudez uprising!
your all crazy!!! this campaign party isn't even in his district...do your homework people before you support these candidates... this bermudez guy is a crazy club promoter... look him up on myspace you will be surprised...
Who supports him? Let's give him a chance. Like Joe is any better?
Let's be clear: No one that writes for this blog supports any County Commission candidate except I said I support Val Screen who is running against Audrey (let's annoy Katy Sorenson by talking to Natacha while Katy is talking) Edmonson. I would suppose we both support Carlos Gimenez but I didn't say I did and Gimleteye also has not committed.
So, you might ask, why am I running Whilly's picture?
Because it is rare that anyone runs and if they do, they don't have even a fighting chance. We have 7 people running for the County Commission and only 2 have challengers. That is a disgrace. So let's give Whilly some slack for having the balls to run. And, I reported the club crap already, that is old news. See a DeFede video on Joe Martinez (Link on the right side of our page).
P. S. And I know all the Whilly cheerleaders are going to come on this site and write dumb "Go Whilly" things...but maybe they will also learn some of the issues by reading the posts on this site. Whilly: Are you listening...read up.
P.S.S. Yes I noticed he is having his kickoff outside his district. Well, that is because the guy doesn't know beans about running a campaign. Maybe that is a good thing because running a good professional campaign hasn't worked for challengers in the past.
Im not one of "Whillys" people but I think that he has a shot at this. In fact, at a board meeting for my building complex, ten of us were talking about all things county and almost all agreed on one thing: Everyone that meets this guy likes him and will probably vote for him. The candidate is liked well beyond the reasoning that Martinez is such a loser. Fact.
Residents, parents, students are all pretty pleased when they meet Whilly. Aug 26 let it show!
I salute Moss for not raising money. Sure, it could be interpreted as cocky, but i respect a guy who will go raise money if and when he needs it instead of instead of building up the dreaded "war chest" and bothering everyone for cash that its obvious to everyone they wont need...
Its tough to win around here, you are either accused of being part of an unstoppable machione with sluch funds, etc, or you are tagged "cocky".
Ill look at Whilly...Anything is better than Joe...
Bermudez is a good candidate and it appears that he will serve us honestly & free from favors to builders ect. So I would like to see more people come to this cause to help him. I think that the constituents that are going to vote for him should help him fund raise, and reach more residents. Otherwise, we are all going to be stuck with four more years of Napolean Martinez. THe thought of that is repulsing!
Little Joe has only a couple developers and a few quacky cops supporting him. He made an appearance at the monthly Hammocks CAC this week and said a bunch of nothing. Made a stupid sketch of a paper plate on the board and called it county business.
Now his mug sits on county owned bus benches as if to impress voters.
He has not impressed anyone. Not in my district.
Joe has to go.
I'm in the ANYONE BUT MARTINEZ camp! That's it. A unicorn is more likely to get my vote than Martinez is.
All of you that don't like Martinez: Put your money where your mouth is. There are two candidates challenging Martinez that you can help out.
Whilly Bermudez is the human TERM LIMIT for Joe Martinez! Lets seize the moment!!!
Joe has posted all over his district on street lights a banner announcing his health expo. It just happens to have his smiling mug on the banners. This is campaigning at your expense. It would be an expensive, undoable undertaking for anyone without access to public money. That's why they are so hard to beat.
Heard seijas took busloads of her senior citizens to visit the Schnebley Winery in Redland. More of your tax dollars spent on campaigning. Moss is building his people a mini performing arts center-more of your tax dollars at work on campaigns. As long as they control the purse, they control the election.
Bermudez has a really good chance at this. Real Good.
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