Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Match Made In Miami Heaven by Geniusofdespair

Pictured are the US Century banking executives with the byline: "Banking on customer service to fuel growth, success." Board Members (not pictured) include: Ramon Rasco, Sergio Pino, Armando Guerra, Francisco Angones, Carlos M. Garcia, Manuel A. Herran, Agustin Herran, Rodney Barreto and Jose Cancela. (Hit on image to enlarge it and get the drift of the "Match").


Anonymous said...

Where is Rubio the Loan and Gas king?

Geniusofdespair said...

He is embodied in Cancela his close tie to the board.

Anonymous said...

News flash: pending home sales are the lowest on record. I wonder if any of the Century Bank board members would like to comment on their role in pumping up the incredible excess of housing stock (ie. platted subdivisions) that is causing taxpayers so much pain, now the Federal Reserve has agreed to use junk derivatives, formed of their housing developments (and others, too) as collateral for loans?

Some project, huh?

Anonymous said...

The timing coincides, no doubt, with the hemispheric trade summit on Miami Beach. The magazine handed out in gift baskets. Have we got an investment for you.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Rubio is the answer, I just know that Alvarez has done nothing but stand idle scandal after scandal. He needs a real challenge from someone, at least to wake him up to reality.

Geniusofdespair said...


Anonymous said...

Posted on Tue, Apr. 08, 2008

Rubio defends added budget wording

"Critics of Rubio's budget language note that the fact it was slipped in the budget with almost no one's knowledge last year -- and few people's knowledge last week -- suggests it isn't good policy. Senate Republican leader Dan Webster of Winter Garden said it ''makes no sense'' to simply forbid the state from seeing if a unified contract is a better deal. "

Anonymous said...

The LBA would love to run Rubio, but Alvarez is popular and so is Crist. and the UDB is coming up.

Anonymous said...

I would much rather have RUBIO give state funds to important Cuban American businessmen than poor children in need of transplants or the FL university system. Where are your priorities?

Geniusofdespair said...

My priorities are shining a light on it and letting you decide where you want your tax dollars to go.

Anonymous said...

It appears that more, and more people realize that Marco Rubio is the new Alex Penelas. Am I right, Jose?