Sunday, April 06, 2008

Marco Rubio: from Dan Ricker's Watchdog Report By Geniusofdespair

I found this juicy piece on Rubio very interesting, thank you Dan Ricker:

"The Watchdog Report decided to review Rubio’s campaign reports from 2006 when he last ran and he is termed out in 2008. In the reports he received ten $500.00 checks from U.S. Century Bank affiliates for the checks all had the same listed address in the disclosure form. His total funds raised for the campaign was $233,316 and his expenses for the campaign was $233,621. His bill for accounting of these funds was $10,500 (said) state campaign documents." (We, and the Miami Herald, previously reported on the loan US Century gave to Rubio which he says he "forgot" to report - see our Rubio file).


Anonymous said...

The transaction between Marco Rubio and U.S. Century Bank is similar to that involving Joe "I'm not a crook" Martinez and the builder that did free work on his new house. Marcos is a quick study!

Anonymous said...

He sure is. Read today's Herald article on the sneak attack language in a House bill Rubio is trying to get through. Wow, this is really underhanded and not worthy of an elected official. If I were a legislator I would be very pissed at Marco right now. What else has he done???
But this is how he operates.

Anonymous said...

Aww the very same Rubio that is gutting funding for Everglades restoration. What a (&*^head!

Anonymous said...

Marco Rubio=Jeb Bush=American Tabliban

Rubio is a rightwing nutjob, young, goodlooking, but a righwing nutjob nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

What was his part in pushing the primary forward? Weren't some folks saying that this was a part of a scheme to shut out Florida Hometown Democracy. I would really love to know what you all have to say about that?

Geniusofdespair said...

Sometimes I think they are too dumb to think that creatively. Maybe a lobbyist suggested it/engineered it? They are the brains for the politicians. That is why lobbyists are a necessity. Someone has to do some of the thinking.

Anonymous said...

Ever question the overpriced county projects and where our tax dollars are actually going? We did. And after poking around and a little PI work. And after county officials violated our Sunshine law rights for over 65 days, we finally acquired the public records to prove there is fraud. By skimming on materials and providing inferior work, it seems the contractor is making huge profits. We have black and white evidence the county is approving the work that is non-existent.
Now that they know, that we know, the county is trying to intimidate us with fines and violations. But we don't scare easily. We are bringing the evidence to the attention of the State Attorney Public Corruption Unit and the local Inspector General. Will anyone get arrested? Somehow demotions and transfers done administratively does not cut it. If anyone can suggest how we can escalate this into a full blown investigation. In 2 months they have nearly finished a project that profited an excess of 4 million. We suspect this is just the tip of the iceberg of the illegal acquisition of billions of our tax dollars. Keep this in mind when they raise our taxes next time.