Saturday, April 12, 2008

If you have a bad liver are you out of luck? By Geniusofdespair

Spending a lot of time watching television gives you a very large cadre of drugs to tell your doctor you want for whatever ails you. The commercial's imitation doctor always lists those pesky side effects (death pretty often) but the one they also mention a lot is: Liver Problems: They always say: “Ask your doctor to conduct a simple liver test...”.

So I was thinking, no matter what they are selling they have a liver disclaimer. I never realized my liver was important before but now I know. Without it functioning properly I would not be able to take so many miracle drugs.

It was better in the old days when the doctors were given the sales talk and we didn’t have to have it drummed in our ears everyday. I remember when my father-in-law (who was a doctor) told us the story of when he gave his wife thorazine (a phenothiazine antipsychotic for schizophrenia) for a headache. That is what the drug salesman told him it could be used for. My mother-in-law was knocked out for two days. Now that is how we should be testing our drugs: On doctors and their families.

The pharmaceutical drug pushing on TV is making us a nation of hypochondriacs. Between watching "House" and these commercials I am wanting a liver test pretty bad. Now where did I put that Cyalis, I only have 4 hours to find it I think (damn I should have paid more attention to that commercial, maybe that was the time limit before you go to the emergency room).


Anonymous said...

very funny, I got my laugh for today.

Anonymous said...

It is: If 4 hours UP then off to the hospital.