Monday, February 04, 2008

Best Super Bowl Ever. By Geniusofdespair

Go New York my hometown, and an added bonus: The Miami Dolphins retain their record (my adopted town). Great game till the last seconds, I was so tired of watching Super Bowls decided in the first quarter. Life is good in the world of sports.

P.S. The commercials sucked. This is for the Dolpfans out there (from a reader):


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Agree G.O.D., one of the best super bowls in history and the worst slate of commercials (except for Etrade) ever.

Geniusofdespair said...

Thanks reader I put the link in the post.

Anonymous said...

Finally, a Super Bowl that held my attention from start to finish.
My favorite commercial was the AnhauserBush where Hank, Clydsdale, joined with the dalmation to train, ah la Rocky, to win a spot pulling the wagon.