Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Run-Off Election Results: Hialeah by Geniusofdespair

I am of the opinion that Hialeah should have become its own county, just like it wanted to years ago. They are so out of step with the rest of the...well... "world" would cover it.
They vote in a candidate with "Oral Sex" as a platform and they vote in the vile Natacha time after time. What are they thinking? Probably just NOT THINKING.

I almost hurled my granola when I turned the page in the Miami Herald and had to look at the Vile Natacha Seijas embracing the Candidate she was pushing. All I could say was "ick" as I ran for the toilet.


Anonymous said...

ICK is right!

Anonymous said...

It's important to note that Mayor Robaina has cemented his power with the election of his loyalists, making sure they'll vote in favor of all his proposals. A power grab a la Hugo Chavez! Viva Hialeah!

Anonymous said...

What more can be expected of our city --- over 78,000 registered voters and such low voter turn out?

On November 6, only about 12,600 voted and, of these, approximately 38% were absentee. On Novmeber 20, less than 9,000 voted and about 45%were absentee.

All we can do is continue to work on educating our neighbors and fellow residents.

Milly Herrera
Hialeah, Florida

Anonymous said...

As always Millie, I continue to bid you "best of luck".
Your city is out of control but I admire your hard work.
You demonstrated courage, wit, determination, guts, and pride for the city you live and beleave in.

I felt that from you at the TMCA class we attended together.

Genious, this lady deserves a medal.
Maybe a seat in Hialeah. Hell, I prefer Millie over vile Nat anyday.

Anonymous said...

Hialeah... what will it take to make citizens wake up?

Anonymous said...

Hialeah, la he convertido en mi ciudad, en mi pueblo; como lo es mi pueblo natal de Regla, en la Habana y tambien Madrid, la capital de Espana. Lugares que han marcado mi vida. Ahora le ha tocado a la "Ciudad que Progresa" solo que ahora progresa para unos pocos y no para las personas trabajadoras que desde sus inicios fueron los que convirtieron a unos terrenos en una enorme ciudad. Que pena! que la "democracia" del dinero destruya todo aquello por lo que muchos han luchado. Las personas que creemos en nuestras raices, en la honradez y dignidad de la clase trabajadora seguiremos luchando porque nuestra ciudad, no sea panipulada al antojo de intereses economicos muy grandes. Ya estamos trabajando en ello. En menos de dos anos veremos los resultados de nuestro trabajo, no siempre triunfa el poder....M.A.

Geniusofdespair said...

Okay I am going to TRY to translate the above: Something about Hialeah being the capital of the city sort of like Madrid in Spain. And it is the center of her life. Now the "city of progress" is only for those who have convertible sofas in the city. The money destroys all the luchado in the city. The people who believe in our race and the dignity of the working class don't care about a lot of money. And the years of results of our work does not seem to be easy trunfa.

How did I do?

Anonymous said...

The absentee ballot machine wins again in Hialeah and the people will lose. Beware of wealthy developers getting richer by the day!

Hialeah is not the City of Progress. It is the city of special interests reigning supreme over resident interest.

The Race Track won't survive this group of yahoos. The city never ought to have sold it. The founders of the city always wanted the property to be green, but I don't think they were talking about the green of developer dollars.

Lots of luck Hialeah, the keys of the city now belong to the developer mayor and his friends. You are so screwed.

T-Bred Pride

Anonymous said...

Your all so full of XXXX!
Some candidates do work hard you know!

And the reason your not allowed in Housing is becuae there are laws!

Look it up, maybe you will learn something!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...