Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Now you can rest easy: It was ONLY vandalism at Nuke Plant in Miami. By Geniusofdespair

Do you know what vandalism is? According to Webster’s it is willful or malicious destruction of or defacement of public or private property. Now if it is willful isn’t that the same as having intent (the Miami Herald said the FBI said they were not prosecuting because they have no evidence of criminal intent.) Well, I am not going to argue legal terms. But, I am going to say that throwing a baseball through a store window is not the same as drilling a hole in a cooling system pipe at a Nuclear Power Plant. The first one is vandalism and the second one is downright frightening. It is like saying water boarding is controlled swimming.

In the article today in the Miami Herald they mention that the FBI assumes it was an out of State contract worker who drilled the hole. What kind of security clearance did he have? How are all these people getting on the Nuke sites? First the NRC finds numerous sleeping Wackenhut guards. And I recently read a report about food workers using their access material to gain access at Nuke Plants after they had been fired. I think if I got the right job, I could easily get on the site and do some (Oh, what are we calling it again) "vandalism". This is so very, very stupid: and you – Yes YOU - the public who are reassured that the war in Iraq is protecting you from terrorists at home: You really don’t give a shit do you? You have a sense of security that defies logic. I hope you have Iodide pills. And they have a new berry flavor formulated for children now. I am sure that puts your mind at ease.

We only need "one" terrorist to slip through the helter skelter security and to tell you the truth, with 4 or 5 sleeping guards being reported, and a $100,000 FBI award being offered for “Vandalism”, I am convinced security sucks at Turkey Point.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy we are considering two new reactors.

C.L.J. said...

I can't express my relief at discovering our lives were threatened not someone trying to hurt us but by someone merely trying to damage property.