Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Malaysian Bloggers are reading Gimleteye's posts! By Geniusofdespair

While surfing Google I found that on November 13th Mankato wrote to blogger Temenggong on a "Malaysia Today" blog:

"You have failed to see the gravity of the financial situation in the United States. What is happening now will make the Great Depression like a walk in the park. Perhaps Mr. gimleteye can enlighten you."

Mankato then gave our blog address.

Blogging takes you worldwide -- your comments count so keep them coming because they go worldwide too!


Anonymous said...

very cool....the internet is wonderful for crossing the great divides.

Anonymous said...

My comment could end up in China? That would be interesting to have some person in China listening to my opinion.


Anonymous said...

Have you been googling yourself?

Anonymous said...

Why do you suppose they assume Gimleteye is a man...."Mr. Gimleteye"

lunkhead said...

You're read here in San Antonio, Tx!

Geniusofdespair said...

Lunkhead - You are the best. Who cares about Malaysia as long as we have San Antonio!