Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Here we go again on the Urban Development Boundary by Geniusofdespair

In the tradition of County scheduling souring our holiday season once again:

There are 4 applications to move the Urban Development Boundary, to be heard on Tuesday, November 27th. The County Planning Staff has recommended against all 4.

See you at County Hall - it starts at 9:30 a.m. I will be photographing lobbyists on the phone during the lulls. Stephen Clark Government Center, 111 NW 1st St.


Anonymous said...

Why do they keep coming back. They are wearing us down...I think Hometown Democracy is a better way to address these assaults on our urban development boundary.

Anonymous said...

Listen, Hometown Democracy might sound like a good idea, but, if passed, it will deal a serious blow to the entire Florida economy, like it or not. There is a reason we have a representative form of democracy. If every land use and zoning change has to go before the electorate, you are talking about hundreds of pages of materials to review (who is really going to take the time), and good applications that make sense will be overrun by the mass of applications.

Its not the best way to go, almost like cutting off your nose to spit your face. If you don't like the decisions being made on the planning side, elect the right people!!!

Geniusofdespair said...

THAT IS THE POINT. If we could elect the right people we would. but we can't because there are districts. So we are stuck with at least 11 bad commissioners here in Miami dade that are making meaningful land use decisions as political favors.

I think you are taking in the chamber rhetoric...there would not be a million elections or a wad of papers we have to read. After all, commissioners don't read they just do what the lobbyists tell them. And comp plan changes are voted on once every two years.

There has to be less Comp plan changes and this is a way to stop all these changes. What is the good of having a growth management plan if no one is following it?

Anonymous said...

Whoever goes to the UDB Line hearings needs to point out again and again that moving the line is incompatible with the County's new committment to operating sustainably as seen by their sustainable buildings ordinance and their formation of a Sustainability office.

Anonymous said...

Proves the point. It is too easy to bride or corrupt 7 to 11 of the 13 Miami-Dade Commissioners and 3 of the 5 City of Miami Commissioners.

Please get photos of all the sleazy lobbyists and the staffers and Commissioners who allow themselves to be swayed.

Anonymous said...

Land use decisions should not be tools for political power! I really hope your readers get away from there computers and show up on Tuesday to say enough is enough!