Saturday, November 17, 2007

FPL's Captain Conservation! by gimleteye

This is a photo from a press release announcing a performance of FPL's Captain Conservation. Thank goodness FPL has a sense of humor! And so do I!

Here's my script suggestion! "Hello, Floridians! I'm Captain Conservation! We shouldn't build any new power plants in Florida until we've exhausted every conservation measure possible! And I know that conservation is possible, because we do it in other states in the Nation! So get on board, Florida! No new nuclear reactors! Reduce demand by Conservation!

Save wetlands, save our water, save our world!"

Add your own chorus! It's fun! And it's not radioactive!


Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever seen Captain Conservation and Bob from FPL in the same place at the same time? Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Took their conservation survey - what a joke. It gives the same answeres to everybody and because my usage was not usual they gave me the same stock answers. Who put this thing together? Were they paid very much? Do they really care about conservation of is it all just greenwashing? Where are the profits from all those rate increases going- to the CEO I guess.

Anonymous said...

Captain Conservation is in San Francisco and Bob lives in South Beach. That's the reason why you never see them together.

Anonymous said...

See the following links to see how power plants affect water usage. From The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.