Friday, February 16, 2007

HUD’s Money: Who should get control of it? By geniusofdespair

Finally the Herald gets it right, they put an important story on page one above the fold in the local section. Miami-Dade, HUD in turf war.
The affordable housing agency in Miami-Dade is pretty much a disaster. And, I think slapping a few people is not enough to reform it – sorry Burgess.

From what little I know, many big cities (Chicago, New York, etc.) have what HUD Assistant Secretary, Orlando Cabrera is suggesting: a quasi-governmental board of approximately 5 people (Appointed by the Mayor in other cities) oversee the Hud money. If that is the case, the Mayor appoints, then Cabrera cannot use his former ties to developers here in Miami Dade County to control the Board. Mayor Alvarez would do the appointments and he has very little to do with the developers in Miami Dade County -- just look at his campaign contributions.

We have about 70 million dollars at stake here. My question is: Do the players in this saga care about what is best for the people or are they more interested in the control of the money? From the article, it seems like it is control of the money.

Housing experts are torn: Which is better, for the incompetent County to keep control in light of the new Strong Mayor vote or do we relinquish control to a Board appointed by the Mayor. If I were the Mayor, I would go for the Board, then he wouldn’t have to deal with the meddling of the County Commission. I am not the Mayor, thank God, and I know not much about this issue except that it is important. Herald explain it better because I can't understand why the Mayor is running around with Commissioner Edmonson. What would be the tipping point for me: Who makes the appointments to the Quasi Governmental Board. See Gimleteye's post, February 14, 2007: "More than meets the eye."


Anonymous said...

Who says the mayor would get to make appointments? Knowing this county commission, the whole purpose of the exercise Cabrera "initiated" is to create an "independent authority" for business interests loyal to the LBA. Not housing advocates.

Geniusofdespair said...

If the Mayor gets to appoint I am for it. If that is not the case -- I am not for it. In other cities with Strong Mayors, the Mayor does the appointing.

Anonymous said...

The Miami-Dade County screwed up. They allowed taxpayers money to get stolen. They deserve having all their housing departments and sleazy Miami-Dade Housing Authorities taken over by the Feds.