Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Is the Lennar Option to buy Florida City land a dead deal? by Geniusofdespair

Curtis Morgan and Rebecca Dellagloria reported:New proposals raise questions about the future of a controversial mega-development near Florida City and the Everglades.

In September 2004 Lennar (and partner ACHC, LLC., Latterner and Rosen) optioned to buy about 981 acres of land from Atlantic Civil. There was also 1,525 of mitigation lands. The Option to Buy agreement could terminate 3 years after the effective date. There would have to be a recording of the release. I looked for the release and could not find it yet so we are still in limbo as to whether Lennar pulled out of the deal. There is much activity on the land as you can see in the photo above – land clearing/filling. This land is just East of where card sound road meets US 1. It was slated to be a 6,000 home mixed use development, with school, stores, etc.

This is where I would have wanted to live: Less than 7 miles from a nuclear power plant with a $100,000 FBI award pending (for information leading to the apprehension of the person who drilled a hole in a pipe). Gosh, I hope this deal is dead. I will stop writing about Lennar if it is a dead deal...well, for awhile anyway.

By the way, this is the land annexed by Florida City last year. The Mayor of Florida City is Otis T. Wallace, brother of County Commissioner Barbara Jordan who voted on the annexation her brother was requesting. And, little sister of Jordan, Sandy Walker, is a registered lobbyist for Lennar...or at least she was during the vote.


Anonymous said...

Is the guy Seijas who was quoted in the article, any relationship to
SEIJAS, the commissioner?

Geniusofdespair said...


Pretty sure they are not related...however, I was told that Gimenez is a cousin of Natacha Seijas. Any truth to that?

Anonymous said...

will have to check into that.
He says he does like her though.

Anonymous said...

Gimenez is married to Natacha's cousin. He said that from the dais while setting the date on her recall.

Anonymous said...

All the commissioners hate each-other. Even when they should get along, like fighting this election they can't because they hate eachother so much and not because of sunshine rules.

Geniusofdespair said...

Anonymous: Do you really think they hate other?They seem very kissy kissy all the time...kissing each other, kissing the lobbyists. There is a lot of kissing. Except I never saw anyone kissing Katy Sorsenson.

I often wonder how they make all their secret alliances when they are suppose to be in the SUNSHINE.

Anonymous said...

From what I have seen and heard it is the lobbyists that keep everyone in line. On their own they can't stand eachother, however, they know that they must get along to go along.