Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Developer's pawn, County Commissioner Barbara Jordan by gimleteye

Her brother, Otis Wallace, is mayor of Florida City. Her sister, Sandy Walker, a lobbyist for big developers, is already in trouble with the law. We can only imagine the conversation around the table at Sunday dinner.

Today County Commissioner Barbara Jordan's “affordable housing ordinance” will be heard, in a first reading.

The original version provoked such an outcry by affordable housing advocates that Commissioner Jordan was forced to withdraw it in a pique of fury and anger.

Imagine real people getting in the way of her plan!?

Jordan's bullshit initiative surfaced during the Urban Development Boundary controversies. She had schemed with developers to use the affordable housing issue as a wedge to split citizens and environmentalists.

For more than a year, Jordan worked behind closed doors with representatives of the builders, and especially Lennar, putting the plan in place to "pit the browns against the greens."

What Jordan, her brother and sister want is traction for Florida City Commons, a billion dollar Lennar project that will shed tens of millions to the politically connected, one way or another, if it can get permits.

But Governor Bush slammed the brakes on the county commission applications, with the exception of Hialeah's.

And affordable housing advocates were having none of what the builders cooked up, because the Jordan ordinance had NOTHING to do affordable housing.

It is all about, and has always been all about, more suburban sprawl.

When the applications for moving the Urban Development Boundary collapsed in a heap of recriminations—lead by commissioners Martinez and Dim Bruno and the de facto chair Seijas—developers were furious.

They pulled the affordable housing ordinance from the table. Builders don’t give up anything, without getting something they want.

Now what the builders want—in return for concessions to affordable housing—is to take away power of the community councils.

Community councils have turned into a colossal pain in the ass for developers. For them, it is so much easier to buy the county commission.

And so what the builders want is small and affordable “affordable housing councils”, where affordability is defined by how easy it will be to rig the outcome of their deliberations.

It is not called the “free” market for nothing. Of course, the story reported in today’s Miami Herald of the first reading of the “new” affordable housing ordinance only puts a faint gloss on reality.

As for the Miami Dade county commission, every single day the majority of the thirteen member commission does a better job making the argument for an executive mayor than Carlos Alvarez could ever do, himself.

Hialeah, rise up!


Anonymous said...

Community councils got "too uppity" in the developers' eyes, so they went to their friends at the county commission, read that everyone-but-a-couple-of'em, and demanded that something be done about it.

I mean, community councilmembers had the AUDACITY to speak against the UDB being moved at commission hearings, and developers could not stand by and allow this "democracy thing" to tear into their greedy multi-billion dollar profits.

So off they went to their friends, and the chosen one was Jordan. She was charged with the task of taking away all power from community councils, the lawfully elected zoning appeals board members, and creating an appointed body of mostly "yes" men and women, that would do the bidding of the developers and their loyal commissioners.

Today the commissioners will vote, in favor I have no doubts, on this proposed debacle of our ever more fragile and soon unlivable community. And this is all done right under our noses, without hearing a peep from the people they are vitimizing.

We deserve the government we elect and allow to continue in power.

Geniusofdespair said...

Gimleteye when you said:
"What Jordan, her brother and sister want is traction for Florida City Commons, a billion dollar Lennar project..."

Let's not forget my two bad Pennies are part of that deal too: The LENNAR September 23, 2004 "Option to Buy" is signed also by ACHC, LLC. ACHC officers are none other then: Latterner and Rosen.

Anonymous said...

I just cant understand why those who want to see change on the commission dont invest more with those in Jordan's neighborhood who need change the most. Look at what Max Rameu is doing about affordable housing. It is more embrassing to Jordan than anything on the UDB and does more to strengthen the UDB than anyghing Hold the Line did in her neighborhood.

Jordan is a pawn of developers and pushing out the poor. Just like so many adminstrators in the upper levels of county hall (otherwise know as the death-star), they move back and forth from government to corporate positions with all the same prejudices, attitudes and positions whether they are anglo, black, or hispanic.