Sunday, June 03, 2012

If You are Vacationing in August, Here is How to Vote. By Geniusofdespair

Many Floridians vacation in August. Here are dates so you can plan voting BEFORE going on your trip.

If you are going to be away mid August the easiest way to vote is by requesting an absentee ballot on line.  Early voting starts on August 4th. The election is August 14th.  You can have your absentee ballot sent to where you are vacationing if you will be away for the whole month. ABSENTEE BALLOTS BEGIN GOING OUT JULY 17TH.

Need a job? Become a poll worker. You can make between $105 and $168 for the days you work. Be warned election day is brutally long.

1 comment:

Ross said...

For obtaining an absentee ballot (the politically correct term is now "vote by mail"), I recommend the free TurboVote service developed by a not-for-profit group and funded by Knight Foundation and other good guys. Their mission is to "make voting from home as easy as renting a DVD from Netflix." They will also remind you by email of every little local election for the rest of your life.