Friday, April 20, 2012

Another Reason To Un-Seat Bruno Barreiro. By Geniusofdespair

This Charter Review Task Force is an abomination! Joe Arriola? Jeffrey Bercow?? Terry Murphy???

District 12 is Pepe Diaz, what a putz to put Joe Arriola on after the fire fee fiasco and the property he bought with Winton and Mayor Diaz. District 5 is Barreiro, a nasty choice in my view, what is he trying to tell us? How could he pick a land use lobbyist who seems to always be on the wrong side of UDB issues. Only Natacha Seijas did worse with her pick of Miguel DeGrandy in 2007. Barbara Jordan put on Murphy, Seijas' former Chief of Staff, he is at least better than the other two. Maybe not, Arriola might be the best of the three. What am I saying?

What do you say readers? Do you like the 9 elected officials?  The people's charter, what a joke. This post has earned the barf meter tag, thanks for reminding me reader.


Anonymous said...

I think Bell made a bad choice with Greer. When Greer was a one term school board member, she reduced the size of the Ag field at South Dade Senior and spreaheaded another school right at the edge of the UDB.

She might have been fine for Pincecrest, but did a lot of damage in South Dade, where Bell is supposed to be the representative. Bell couldn't find ANY citizens who live in Dist. 8 and understand the Charter?

In addition to the above, Greer's husband runs the County supplemented & personal party venue of Fairchild, and their son now runs the County subsidized Carlyle group. These are the type of people we don't need involved any further with the Charter Change! They take our tax dollars for a ride and live wonderful lives off of us, as unelected officials in the later.

As to the rest of them, once again, I asked for the Barf Meter tag or something even worse. Between Barreiro's campaign computers & Bercow, this has gone far beyond the pale. I think he's either smoking something or he's just so darn arrogant and is shoving this down the taxpayers throats while he gloats!

Anonymous said...

Did you see that letter to the editor from Natacha Seijas in the Miami Herald today? She hasn't changed one bit.

Anonymous said...

Is that City of West Miami city manager Yolanda Aguilar?

Donna said...

They aren't all bad, Moss's choice seems okay:

From his website:

Dr. Walter T. Richardson is a consummate gentleman scholar, a gracious social activist, and a gifted servant of God. Whether a pupil in the lecture halls of Harvard; a professor in the classrooms of St. Thomas; a preacher behind sacred desks across the country; or the Pastor at his local church, Dr. Richardson brings a fresh voice of truth, integrity, and wisdom. International, national, local communities benefit from his passion for social justice, and his compassion for the human condition, and his powerful articulation of the gospel message of hope, faith, and love.

Anonymous said...

Richardson was a police Chaplin ...

Anonymous said...

Bruno the dim must be defeated. We cannot afford another Marlins scam.