Today is the day to contribute to Miami Voice NO EXCUSES!! They take credit cards and paypal. Looks like all the intimidation of recall petition gatherers will stop, Natacha Seijas's legal team was told by Judge Amy Steele Donner (who set Seijas' hearing at 5pm on February 7th) that they can:
"...Go ahead with depositions of petition gatherers and notaries. But she curtailed the scope of discovery and said those being deposed shouldn't have to show drivers' licenses, as Natacha's PAC Abre Los Brazos had requested; any valid ID will suffice. Michael Pizzi, an attorney for Miami Voice, heralded the pared-back discovery as a victory that protects those who were involved in petition-gathering from 'a fishing expedition.'"
Read the story in the Miami Herald on the hearing. I am just posting photos from the hearing yesterday.

I wrote about this guy during the Bell campaign, Jose Luis Castillo, seen lurking in the background at the hearing. More Photos and commentary:
Miami Lakes Mayor Michael Pizzi (Miami Voice Lawyer), above, talks to the County Attorney. Why did the County Attorney not object to the Unions joining the case? It almost seems they will do a half-ass defense of the petition certification. And, is that former NOW President Patricia Ireland representing the SEIU, AFL-CIO, TWU and Unite Here? What happened to you woman? Too many years with James Humble? Below is David Reiner, Attorney assisting the PAC Miami Voice.

Above is Kendall Coffey Attorney on Vile Natacha's defense team with Stephen Cody, the other attorney, below. I guess Natacha finally got smart on something. Coffey, you disappoint. He should have been thrown off the case since his wife works for the County but the Judge did not do it even though requested by Miami Voice.
Someone want to probe the connection between Seijas and the unions? What specifically does she pony up for them?
Asking for depositions is just pure harassment by Seijas and her thugs, including De Grandy, and they know it. De Grandy is the mastermind behind Cody; Cody is not smart enough to do it on his own. But maybe De Grandy is too busy lawyering for the Florida GOP to thwart the Fair Districts amendment. That is going to take a lot of creative work. And lucrative too. You would think the unions would be smart enough to know how they are being played by Seijas and the business interests who don't represent the unions' interest. You would be wrong. You would have to look to the union leaders-- for reasons why. Money. THEIR money.
Come on Genius! “Looks like all the intimidation of recall petition gatherers will stop” that’s victory? They will be depositioned. These attorneys got their way. Not good…..
Actually I don't agree with you. As much as I hate Natacha, she is entitled to ask petitioners how they did it. Not over-reaching but to ask. You need a depostion to ask. If you read my post about the onerous hoops Miami Dade County petition gatherers have to jump through compared to State of Florida petition gatherers you would realize that her lawyers are able to ask if we jumped through the hoops correctly. On State petitions there would be no depositions on volunteer petition gatherers because we wouldn't know who they were.
Are you prepared to accept Seijas's status as union lapdog now?
BTW, Seijas is not alone. The unions have a stranglehold over county politics and they would be donating to others if they were being recalled.
You spend lots of legitimate effort tracking the evils of the development industry. Maybe you should expand your thinking to the other culprits destroying this community.
Maybe I don't have time to do everything FOR NO MONEY. Send some money so I can hire an assistant.
I am disappointed in Coffee. Maybe his wife should step down, then, if he isn't off the case. I don't understand this at all.
Jose Luis Castillo (shown in your first picture). Focus on him for awhile. He's connected to Bell and hangs around a lot of those CDMP hearings and such that affect West Kendall. Redland area and Homestead.
It's time to turn up the focus on Bell and the people who surround her.
Notice how the effluence keeps rising to the top. It is lighter than salt water, you know, so the poop floats.
I keep thinking we are going to wake up to the news that 9 or 10 people will get arrested all on the same day. (Hopefully they won't be petition gatherers.)
The more they intimidate, the more we need to research and publicize with our "freedom of speech" rights, the things we find. It might not seem like it matters right now, but when the house of cards starts falling, you will see people turning states evidence all over the place to save their own asses.
If you know something, spill it people.
I received an official envelop and letter within, bearing the seal of M-D county and the letterhead of Natacha Seijas, Commissioner.
The enclosed letter informed me that I must renew my absentee ballot every two years, and my renewal is now due. I have been voting absentee for years, and I don't ever remember having to renew, but that is not my beef.
Was the elections dept. not going to notify me? Should a political figure be notifying me of my voting responsibilities? What funds were used for this letter that might serve to remind me that Seijas is on the job for my voting rights. I tried to get these answers at M-D elections headquarters, but the played phone tag till I gave up. Hopefully someone here has a legal answer. If necessary, and appropriate, I will be happy to file a complaint.
EMAIL me a copy of letter
Seriously Robert: I NEED THIS LETTER asap
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