Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gov. Rick Scott: opaque as far as the eye can see ... by gimleteye

Under the best of circumstances, one must read multiple news sources to untangle fictions from fact in the political and public policy sphere. Most readers don't have time. Most newspapers, under severe pressure from the economic depression, have sharply reduced independent journalism. News sources that most closely hew to corporate lines, like Fox News and its devil spawn, provide a fascimile of "fair and balanced". Now comes a new generation of officials elected to office though they by-passed the media altogether. Florida's Governor Rick Scott won the race for governor without talking to a single newspaper editorial board. He may believe that he won because he didn't open up to the press.

No one knows what Scott believes about public policy to protect the economy and people, other than sound bites. What we do know is that he assembled a transition team cobbled together from the nearest GOP source: acolytes of the Jeb! Bush political pater familia. Scott continues with a policy of sharply restricting media access. He and Florida top officials can only be judged on their actions. For example, one of Scott's first acts was to announce a 90 day freeze on all new regulations. The operative principle is that somehow regulations are stifling demand for business in Florida. (This notion flies in the face of facts that Florida's dominant business lobbies pushed the oversupply of construction that has wrecked so many mortgage holders. They are the crew that sailed the ship of state onto the reef and are now plundering its remains.)

What is interesting-- and what you cannot read in the press, yet-- is that the only agencies that are in fact freezing regulations are the ones that polluters and special interests have commandeered. (Cabinet officers who control their own agencies have already pushed back against the governor's decree.) Front and center: the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Cleaning up Florida waters, for example, from pollution is apparently something Florida cannot afford. The truth is that assessing Florida's polluters-- like Big Sugar-- the full costs of their pollution is something the Republican majority cannot do. The media is shut down from access to an inexperienced governor who believe the best way to protect voters is through corporate self-interest, hooking the public just like schooling fish who mistook bait for the real thing.


Anonymous said...

Republicans bad, Democrats good. Who was the last Democrat governor of this state and what did he do to protect the environment and slow the explosion of growth in Florida? Oh, I forgot...he was too busy walking!

Geniusofdespair said...

last writer:

Anonymous said...

Media shut down - yes, reference: Comcast/NBC merger. Thank heavens for blogs. It might be that this is the only place where you are going to learn what you need to know (until they find a way to shut you down too). Be very afraid.

Anonymous said...

this governor is a scary dude _ so much for the sunshine state

Anonymous said...

He won because he had all the money to throw in the hands of people who sell votes and absentee ballots. You don't have to be a genius to reach that onclusion. Unfortunately, one of the worst things - and a constant source of contamination - is the Cuban community. Take a good and long look at the nobodies who have enriched themselves via the politicians. I happen to be Cuban, but I have lived in Miami for 5o years, and I am totally revolted at the kind of corruption these people have brought here. The Cuban vote can make a candidate win, and they take advantage of this.

Anonymous said...

to Geniusofdespair

Good for you, when challenged with a valid question always respond with "Putz" It provides you loads of creditability.

Geniusofdespair said...

A stupid question that is not worthy of an answer always gets a putz...I don't get baited by idiots, who are obviously into their agenda, into wasting my time. I am not going to change any minds. Everyone knows that is my stock answer, you are new but now you know. Gimleteye doesn't even bother -- have you noticed. You don't even get a putz.