Today the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Mr. Harvey Ruvin, has announced he is satisfied with the petition process for my recall and has certified there are a sufficient number of valid voter signatures to require a special election in my district. It does raise concerns that the Clerk's office was able to complete this rigorous process in just a couple of days - right before Christmas. My review of his hasty work will begin in earnest after the holidays.
As the first Cuban-American woman elected to the governing body of Miami-Dade County, I have served with integrity and am proud of my efforts to address the needs of the elderly, the working poor, victims of domestic violence, abused and neglected children, and all who rely on quality social services. Every time a victim of wage theft benefits from my legislation and recovers money owed to them, I am rewarded. My integrity as an elected official has never been questioned.
As a Cuban-American woman, I accept that there are elements of this community who resent my presence on the board. Though I have worked with my colleagues on the commission to build bridges throughout our diverse community, there will always be those who reject such overtures. I confess that I am deeply disappointed that Norman Braman financed this effort against me. Mr. Braman has visited my office, he has been treated with respect, and I have shown him the courtesy every citizen deserves. His animosity toward me is simply unfathomable.
Fortunately, since this ordeal began, I have been receiving heartfelt messages of support from dear friends in my commission district and throughout the county. During this Christmas season, their kind words are appreciated. I have assured them that my office will continue to serve their needs without interruption as this process works through its natural course. My sincere wishes to all for a healthy and peaceful new year.
For additional information regarding this process, please contact my attorney, Mr. Kendall Coffey, 305-858-2900 extension 203
Tell me she isn't playing the race card...
A Cuban American woman?
Aren't Vanessa Brito and Mimi Planas also Cuban American women? Exactly what "elements" is she referring to.
I hate to break this to you Natacha, but the Cuban Americans from Hialeah were the most enthusiastic signers of the petition to recall you. I had a harder time getting white, non-Hispanic people living in Miami Lakes to sign. So watch out in your blame game...you might alienate your supporters.
Come on people of Hialeah and Miami Lakes, get rid of this corrupt politician once and for all. She is such a disruptive presence, maybe the whole tone of the commission will change.
I can't believe she is whinning about Breman, guess she feels her "favors" to him should have isulated her.
How many senior/public housing votes can she buy with breafast and trips? Not many if the lobbyists/attorneys/rock miners/developers don't bail her out.
She is referring to the Jewish Braman, not the girls.
From her letter, it is pretty clear this woman is paranoid delusional. She cannot "fathom" how her behavior and actions have triggered such animosity. Natacha, get psychiatric counseling. If you think you are resented because you are "a Cuban American woman", or that status confers clairvoyance on you, you need help.
White, non-hispanics are a minority in this count. It's the Cuban-Americans calling for her recall, wake up senora.
Dont despair, when she is removed, the forces who have kept her in office have already elected a worthy successor. We will still have a paranoid, delusional, not petite, nasty itch up there to speak fiction and play the victim. She will represent the interests that Natasha has worked so hard for all these years.
This letter comes right out of the Democrat party handbook: I Don't know if she is one, but when most politicians get into trouble they reach for the following play:
1) Identify yourself by race
2) Mention needs for the elderly
3) Mention Domestic Violence
4) Of course the "Children" A Hillary Clinton favorite
5) Highlight diversity for good measure
It is as if her constituents could not get by in life without this woman. She really believes if it were not for her government office the community would fall apart. Unfortunately, this is very consistent on a national level in politics in both parties. Did anyone see Arlen Specters departure speech this week?
This woman is a Pub
Is it true: the state attorney's office in cooperation with federal investigators is planting employees in senior housing, assisted living facilities and condos where Seijas will be recruiting absentee ballots?
Once again Commissioner Seijas has demonstrated her disrespect to the citizen of Miami-Dade County and the rule of law.
Her statement is an attempt to make herself a victim rather than the culprit of cronyism, nepotism, and self serving politics, at the cost of the citizen of Miami-Dade County.
Harvey Ruvin, Clerk of the Court has certified the petition for the recall and now she will attempt to maneuver to get legal technicality in play to delay her vote not to be in the same ballot with the Mayor for the recall.
Enough, is enough time to get her out.
Time to elect someone willing to represent ALL segments of the community...
We need to get rid of all these thieves, and we need political consultants like Gutierrez, Marin, Lorenzo, and many others to finally get out of the scene.
New candidates, worthy of our votes, have to stop hiring these piranhas, and the residents of this community have to start getting off their butts and go out and vote, BUT, PLEASE, DON'T SELL YOUR VOTES. ELECTING A WORTHY CANDIDATE IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN FIGHT CORRPUTION. OUT WITH THE MARCO RUBIOS AND THE DAVID RIVERAS!
As a Cuban-American, Mrs. Seijas is an embarassment to many of us who crave honesty and integrity in government. As Cuban-Americans, we should never forget the tyrany of our original homeland. Sometimes I feel we live in politically corrupt Latin American country and not in the United States. The citizens of Miami-Dade are gearing up and ready to take our government back and become part of the U.S.A. again!
Mrs. Seijas - pack your bags!!!
I would like to send her office an email message. Oh, I forgot. She doesn't allow her constituents to contact her or her office via email. How arrogant.
Do we actually have any evidence that she is a woman besides her statement? I would like her to submit to one of those gender chromosome tests.
She said, "My integrity as an elected official has never been questioned." Who is she kidding? I question it every day!
Goodbye Natacha!!!! You Cuban Woman you....or are you a Cuban cross dresser I can't really tell.
Twas the night before christmas
and all through her town
many residents were cheering
they no longer had frowns
the lady who brought
years and years of pure terror
would now be recalled
with great forms free or error
the forms had been signed
and those signatures counted
when the clerk then announced
that no challenge was warranted
How the lady protested!
you could hear boo hoo hoos
then to no ones surprise
started blaming the jews
it's that braman ! The scoundrel!
or Harvey Ruvin the clerk
i dont know of the two
who's the biggest of jerks
its because Im a woman!
its because im cubana!
and not because i govern
like they do in Habana
They are picking on me!
I've done everything right
why if i was a man
you would make me a knight
i will fight for my honor
I will fight tooth and nail
i will fight from my district
I will fight from my jail
but will all her protesting
and all her dejection
she will face all our wrath
in an coming election
she will hide from the mayor
her once intimate friend
for if they both are together
it will be surely the end
so come kendall, come gutierres
come pereira and miguel
come you too mr murphy
please all join her in hell
when the votes are all counted
some will yell scream and shout
some in pain. most with joy
when we throw Seijas out
And they'll dance in the streets
in the district thirteen
when the weight of the people
finally crushes the queen.
Merry Christmas everyone!
That is truly inspired.
That is truly inspired.
We have the best bards!
It's unfortunate that Miami Voice miss the mark on collecting the required number of signitures to recall Audrey Edmonson.
Her district consist of a large number of Haitians and Edmonson could care less about them, yet when there's a crisis in Haiti she use that occasion for her political flatform and photo opps.
Fortunately the Haitian community is on to Edmonson's game, her name may not be on the recall ballott but she definitely will be challenge in the 2012 election just like her buddy "Governor of the Ghetto D. Rolle".
The time has come to kick out these nickle and dime County Commissioners, who immediately run to the Spanish radio shows and forget that the few remaining non-latin Americans are left out of the debate as usual. What we see today in all the local governments in Miami Dade are Cuban-Americans elected to political office who still have not figured out this is not Cuba, or Central and South America. Seijas is the worst kind of political whore who's time is up.
Power to the People !!!!!!!
I already know about ten people that are banking on the money they'll receive for their recall absentee ballot - we're talking food on a family's table. This is sure money and its practice will only worsen as the economy continues to falter. You need to be realistic about absentee ballots and their income producing potential to a desperate family - the more elections, the more income.
Rumors abound as to whether or not folks were paid for some signatures in recent efforts.
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