Miami Voice has contacted me. They said that Harvey Ruvin has verified enough signature for a recall vote on Vile Natacha Seijas. She might get on the same ballot as Alvarez which will guarantee her removal. 4,300 petitions were certified. The group needed about 3,591. They submitted 4704 so about 400 were disqualified.
I have something to celebrate! Vanessa Brito, who led the recall effort for Natacha, I love you! Heard Vanessa is well on her way to getting Bruno finished-up to be delivered for certification tomorrow. This one will be closer, they don't have as much of a safety net for Barreiro.
Hooray! Out with the witch!
It will be a Merry Christmas after all!
Merry Xmas, Terry. Stephen. MDG et al. Save up cuz Vns needs your help in 2011!
Bad mojo for Natacha - she gets to ride the Alvarez Titanic.
Oh Please, Oh Please!
Santa all I want for Christmas is Natacha gone!
So true.
Lets make it a Trifecta with Natacha's sidekick Borris.
She must be on the phone to Armando G and TReg, bitching about recall.
Merry Christmas Carlos, Natcha and Bruno! And may the new year bring new career opportunities.
Great Job Vanessa and Mimi!!!!
Goodbye, Jabba!!!! Yo ko ri to, Han Solo!! Wo ho ho ho ho!!!
What a contrast between these two women! Beauty and the beast.
Well I think Natasha is a good woman tough and maybe not the best communicator but truly fair. God bless you two journalistic marvels for the good work you do here.
Natacha is a good woman...wow you must believe in Santa Claus too
WAIT!!!! Natacha is Santa Claus, can't you see the resemblance?
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