Thursday, December 23, 2010

District 6 Rebecca Sosa's Xmas email: 2.4 MB photo of herself ... by gimleteye

It came in at 10:39 PM. My mailbox loaded with an Awesome photo of Rebecca Sosa. 2.4 MB worth. I'm sorry, but Commissioner Sosa and staff, you have badly breached whatever remaining etiquette there is on mass political emails. If your photo had been 244 KB, I probably wouldn't be complaining. But 2.4 MB? Really??? What's next?


Anonymous said...

Lookin' good Rebeca!

Anonymous said...

That is the size they have to use to capture the Bell ego.

Anonymous said...

Natacha Seijas' recall has just been certified. HOORAAAY! We'll finally get rid of this dishonest whale -- I am sorry, whales, didn't mean to offend you -- and I think Rebeca Sosa, Marquito's godmother, should be the next. Thank you all for your beautiful efforts towards contributing to give, at least, a half-way decent local government. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

David said...

It was probably necessary for it to be that big because she is a rather large woman.

Anonymous said...

I assume it was a glamor shot. Nude or lingerie?

Anonymous said...

wait another month or so, the photo will be a campaign piece