Friday, December 24, 2010

The Recall of Natacha Seijas. By Geniusofdespair


Anonymous said...

The best Christmas gift we the people could ever receive. Looking forward to the New Year and better governance.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone lined up to run for her seat?
I'm a bit worried that the BCC will just appoint a toadie to fill her spot.

body bag bard said...

Twas the night before christmas
and all through her town
many residents were cheering
they no longer had frowns

the lady who brought
years and years of pure terror
would now be recalled
with great forms free or error

the forms had been signed
and those signatures counted
when the clerk then announced
that no challenge was warranted

How the lady protested!
you could hear boo hoo hoos
then to no ones surprise
started blaming the jews

it's that braman ! The scoundrel!
or Harvey Ruvin the clerk
i dont know of the two
who's the biggest of jerks

its because Im a woman!
its because im cubana!
and not because i govern
like they do in Habana

They are picking on me!
I've done everything right
why if i was a man
you would make me a knight

i will fight for my honor
I will fight tooth and nail
i will fight from my district
I will fight from my jail

but will all her protesting
and all her dejection
she will face all our wrath
in an coming election

she will hide from the mayor
her once intimate friend
for if they both are together
it will be surely the end

so come kendall, come gutierres
come pereira and miguel
come you too mr murphy
please all join her in hell

when the votes are all counted
some will yell scream and shout
some in pain. most with joy
when we throw Seijas out

And they'll dance in the streets
in the district thirteen
when the weight of the people
finally crushes the queen.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Anonymous said...

Current State Rep. and former Hialeah Councilman Bovo, is probably the one who will step up.
