"In the statement, Rivera said he was 'designated by Millennium' to work on the slots campaign after the firm was hired by Flagler, and added he has not been contacted by investigators. At the time the contract was signed, Millennium's sole corporate officer was Rivera's godmother, Ileana Medina."
Back to the Miami Herald, their sub-head says 'mother' the article says 'godmother'...big difference. I don't think Hiaasen and Mazzei wrote the subhead, I would trust the article content. (Aside: Miami Dade State Attorney Kathleen Rundle's name is also popping up as a Miami Dade Mayor wannabee.)
"(Aside: Miami Dade State Attorney Kathleen Rundle's name is also popping up as a Miami Dade Mayor wannabee.)" God help us all if Rundle becomes M-D Mayor. She never saw fit to take on corruption as State Attorney and M-D will spiral into a cesspool of further corruption under her leadership as Mayor.
Sad, truly friggin sad, that the party structure in place on both sides results in the lack of candidates who even possess the facade of credibilty or honesty.
Did you hear that twit Erik Fressen was choosen to lead the Pubs in Miami Dade?
Riveria seems like such a liar and a cheat.
Well, that's all we need: That dishonest witch becoming Miami-Dade County mayor? Haven't we had enough? Don't you people at EOM know that Kathy's a pal of the Sergio Pino posse? What's wrong with the people in this town? MY GOD! I personally know of a case involving one of the Pino "boys", where although the police came to investigate what was happening in a specific place -- where a huge scandal was going on -- and all the man involved had to do was call Kathy on her private cell phone and the cops were ordered to leave!
Erik Fresen is a great choice! He's got great hair; does anyone know the name of his hair stylist? External appearances are all shallow-minded M-D voters care about. Is Rivera also an investor in the M-D & Broward Charter School that Fresen is heavily affiliated with and lobbies for?
BTW, Erik Fresen was just appointed Vice Chair of the House PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee. Great news for the Charter Schools that he's a paid lobbyist for and investor in - but very bad news for the existing public school system. http://miamiherald.typepad.com/files/cannon1.pdf
What Charter School Co. does Fressen lobby for?
Is it Academica by any chance?
Eric not just about hair he's got the Charlie Crist tan thing too.
As far as loobyist go
Miguel Diaz De la Portilla Loobyist
Carlos Curbelo Lobbyist
Janette Ruiz Lobbyist
Marco Rubio Lobbyist
Jose Felix Diaz (Ackermann Senterfitt)
theres lots more both ds and Rs feel free to ad to the list
Government for the lobbyist by the lobbyist
Kathy Rundle Mayor? God help us. To comment on the post above. About seven years ago, Pino's daughter was arrested in her Hummer for possesion, and lo and behold the herald didn't cover it. But Sergio put in a call and Kathy nolle proseed the case. He then gave her a nice contributionwhen she ran in 2006(?). I am sure the case has been expunged by now.
David Rivera is scum. I also know for a fact that what happened on the palmetto as alleged by the Garcia camp was true.
I say its embarassing living here.
Initially Erik Fresen just lobbied for Zulueta and his Academica Charter Schools (a personal investment and family employment mill). Because Academica’s reach and influence has become so pronounced, they’ve started to create shell corporations to mask their true affiliations. Check out page 95 of page 240 (see attached link) for Fresen’s lobbyist registration with the City of Miami on behalf of Barim at Brickell Charter School. Also check out page 52-53 of 240 for Miguel Diaz De La Portilla’s lobbyist registration on behalf of charter schools in the City of Miami. As a note: Academica Charter Schools and Zulueta heavily endorsed and provided significant financial support to new School Board Member, Raquel Regalado, the daughter of the City of Miami’s Mayor. http://www.ci.miami.fl.us/City_Clerk/Docs/LobbyistList_Nov17_2010.pdf
Rivera is a member of Congress now and as such he lives in a fish bowl. Lots of rules that govern them. Then there is also federal laws. Quite a few members of Congress are doing time in the pen now. Rivera should not want to join them.
The facts reported in the Herald today were bizarre. Rivera helped Flagler Dog Track win their slots election as a consultant. But the story said the half-million dollars was not paid until Rivera filed a bill to strip Flagler of the victory he had just helped them win. It looks to me like Rivera was disappointed with his puny consultant payday so he set up a mafia-style extortion scheme to make some real dough. If the Flagler owners will tell the truth, Rivera will be in a heap of trouble.
I support School Choice, BUT let me say that ACADEMICA is the poster child for what can go wrong.
Riveria is the same guy who refused to tell Michael Putney how he really made his money. Riveria is a smuck.
Re: "aside" To quote a friend: "there will always be more cases to prosecute than people to do it. The key is deciding which ones to go after."
Rundle has done a terrible job of prioritizing. She needs to be out.
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