What is wrong with American Television, or is it Americans? We make popular, shows where we watch fat people diet (Biggest Loser), Doctor's abuse patients (House), an obsessive compulsive solves crimes (Monk), trading one crazy spouse for another (wife-swap) and finally a show with has-been and/or freakish celebrities who ballroom dance poorly to awful music. It is not bad enough that we watch this crap (Monday's finale of DWTS had attracted nearly 24 million viewers -- the franchise's biggest Monday audience in six seasons), what is worse is that, in the case of Bristol Palin on Dancing with the Stars, it became a barometer for political viability for an outlandish Presidential candidate. If Bristol won, in spite of her stilted dance moves, would that make Sarah Palin a shoe-in candidate for President? I almost wanted to vote for awkward Bristol to feed into this ludicrous freight-train of stupid reasoning. Just how powerful are the stupid that voted for her despite her lack of skill? As powerful as the vote counter's at the TV studios allowed them to be. Yes, the liberal media arbiters made the call. LOL. Is this loss a sign of Sarah Palin's fall from grace or just of really bad dancing?
America wake up! You have enough problems in your own life to become a voyeur in someone else's dysfunctional, miserable life - fictional or not.
This is for you Bristol and your mom, you know that the finger goes both ways:

Barbara Bush's recent advice to Sarah Palin would ring true for the entire Palin clan: 'Stay in Alaska.'
We don't hate you Bristol. We just think you are a bad dancer. Isn't that the point of the show? Why watch if it just a popularity contest?
Bristol and Mom Sarah's cable tv series and of course, the book tour, is nothing more than an orchestrated plan to humanize and keep Sarah in the presidential race.
Sarah's handlers are controlling and attempting to upgrade the family image so they don't run into the media nightmares they encountered the last presidential run.
The handlers are doing well. Sarah is being marketed to the real folk of America... the ones who are tea partiers or Republicans... you know, the ones who actually voted 2 weeks ago.
Hello? Wake-up! We need to stop being manipulated by glossy productions. Problem is people are not understanding the difference between what they see and what they get.
I Never thought people would be so stupid as to vote in Scott, but they did. Palin is a front for the corporate takeover of our country. The Supreme Court has given these corporations the power to spend as much money as they want to manipulate the next election. Seriously, does Palin even have a college degree?
No. The show is not about selecting the best dancer as the winner. Otherwise, the show could be simply cast with the nation's best dancers. The show is instead about well known people who are non-dancers. A key element is how the individuals progress, improve, and transform. Bristol Palin did a great job as a true amateur. Her dancing ability cannot be compared to competitors Jennifer Grey and Brandy who danced professionally as part of their show business careers.
Then maybe they should call it Dancing with dancing semi-professionals, novices and/or beginners.
"Stupid is, as stupid does". I can use that phrase everytime I watch some election results - VNS supporters are on the top of my list though Bell comes in second on a local level.
In regard to "reality TV", it seems very scripted and stupid to me. It's so annoying, I just can't and won't watch it.
Sarah Palin couldn't even carry her home state, with miller's senate campaign. The people of Alaska are fed up with her. There's nothing else to say, except that Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch keep her in business while they stupify America.
"Stupid is, as stupid does". I can use that phrase everytime I watch some election results-
Funny, I said the same thing in 2008.
Once again, Republican bashing. Sarah Palin is not a viable presidential candidate, so why even bother? Nice middle finger. You know the rules!
Still waiting to see your story on Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley, and her videotape debut. You know the one... it's where Ashley Biden snorts lines of coke in front of the camera. Ashley seems like she would be a better fit for Hollywood than Bristol, so maybe we will see her on Dancing with the Stars as well.
Sarah Palin barely qualifies to manage a Mickey Ds, much less be El Presidenta.
I don't watch reality TV at all but the fact that 24 Million Americans did proves we live in an Idiocracy not a Democracy (Bushama is irrevocable proof of that).
We probably are in the most tenous situation we've ever been. People have never been stupid to the present degree of imbecility as now. This means a very dangerous political climate because people are voting not with their heads -- it seems they lack that body part! Or they might have heads but there is a crucial absence of grey matter, and it could have been replaced by FAT. We're in the world of the morbidly obese, so everything has slowed down to their pace. Although, I understand that blocks of viewers had threatened DWTS with permanent boicot should the FAT Alaskan finish on top. It gives me a measure of tranquility -- a very small measure, though -- to see how Joe Miller was defeated, and now Bristol -- where the hell does Sarah get those names! -- ended up in third. Regarding Barbara, it amazed me that the woman who was able to carry two extra-heavy loads to term -- UGH! -- like Jeb and Dubya might be capable of such wisdom. Let's not forget her comments about the poor being thrown into the overcrowded stadium in New Orleans, post hurricane Katrina: "They are poor, so they won't know the difference." I don't know if these are the exact words, but that was the idea. WOWEE! Like mother, like sons! LOL
To the fanatic Republicans who have written comments in this column: Don't be so thin skinned! To the one who comments about Ashley Biden: I would always prefer that my daughter snorts cocaine than to see that she's a hypocrite -- isn't she supposed to be such a devout Christian? Underage teenage pregnancy speaks very poorly of the kind of breeding those parents gave her. Naturally, we cannot expect a lot when it comes to Sarah Palin and breeding! Cocaine is a curable addiction, but lack of proper principles IS NOT!
Wow and your talking about fanatical and thin skinned?
To anon: Do you mean "your talking", or did you intend to say 'you are talking'? Hey, don't despair. It's never too late to go back to school!
Ur rite u but u still r thin skinned
Not thin skinned -- out of patience -- nasty and cranky.
Replying to this genius.
Let's not forget her comments about the poor being thrown into the overcrowded stadium in New Orleans, post hurricane Katrina: "They are poor, so they won't know the difference." I don't know if these are the exact words, but that was the idea.
I know, right, like how smart do you have to be to stay in a rickety wood frame house when a Category 5 Hurricane is coming at you with three days notice? Oh yes and then say the president bombed the levees. What fools!
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