I'm reading Miami Today and come upon a picture of Terry Murphy's wife (not this photo). Terry (making $139,724.00 in 2008) is Vile Natacha Seijas's Chief of Staff. I didn't know that his wife, Maribel Balbin, was the Sustainability Program Manager for water resources in the County Office of Sustainability. Wasn't this Natacha's realm at the county till Moss took over as Chair? I wonder who else from Natacha's office has relatives working for the County. We all know Seijas' daughter works there. Justina Millian-Clegg was making $106,649 in 2008 at the Aviation Department.
We wrote about nepotism at the county before. The Herald should look up relatives employed at the County and do a colorful chart for us and they should update Data Sleuth or call it "Data Old".
That means Natacha has her foot on the neck of anything having to do with county planning and sea level rise response. These people should all be in jail.
Ask Renfrow about the wellfield protection zone and sheltering rock miners and developer friends of Seijas.
Renfrow squirms alot, he thinks it is dancing, he just looks like deer caught in headlights. Her son doesn't work there.
GoD you are right about the Data Sleuth: cool idea and then the herald abandoned it.
sounds like something bill over at random pixels might want to look into - why don't you suggest to him?
The Herald was given an ultimatum re: Data Sleuth - cease and desist or put a very large segment of advertising revenues at risk. The Herald caved and that's why 2008 data appears even though further updates are considered public information under FL Sunshine.
The Office of Sustainability is just a patronage pit filled with unqualified George Burgess cronies. As soon as the county received a huge multi-million dollar federal grant for "sustainability," Burgess shifted his unqualified career crony Susy Torriente ($214k/yr) to head the office along with her unqualified assistant Maggie Fernandez ($114k/yr). The only person who had any "sustainability" credentials and who started the office, Devesh Nirmul, was pushed out the door as soon as the money rolled in.
Genius, you may need to obtain and publish the updated salary data yourself. Just always be sure to ask for the total compensation (W-2) amount. Click Here for the current salaries of county employees making over $100k/year as published in the Random Pixels and Loose Talk blog. Terry Murphy made $135,887 in FY 2009-10, although his wife, Maribel Balbin, did not make the $100k list during the same period. It looks like she took a demotion to work in the sham sustainability office with the other George Burgess cronies. She presently makes $3561.52 biweekly (which is $92,599 annually and $44.52 hourly).
Natacha's daughter Justina made $106,378 in FY 2009-10 as a Division Director in the Aviation Department. Natacha's other daughter, Luisa Millan, works as the Division Chief for Professional Services in the Office of Capital Improvements (the multi-billion dollar GOB bond program). Luisa did better than Justina in raking in the cash, making $151,351 off the county in FY 2009-10. Just as with Maribel Balbin's position, neither job was advertised to public and no one else was allowed to compete.
i am unemployed and looking for work while these pigs feed at the public trough with outrageous salaries. i hate my government.
If customers of Dade County Water and Sewer Department know what Maribel did to save water and as a result save as hundreds of millions of dollars in expansions we did not need.
Maribel, I thank you for your hard work. WASD should name one of the (Water) treatment plants after you
This is not a blog on the quality of Maribel's work. It is about relatives working for the county.
So Terry Murphy's wife, Maribel Balbin, handles environmental/sustainability impact issues for the Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department? Wow! That explains why the department is one of the worst polluters in the world! Every day we are dumping half a billion gallons of sewage just off our beaches. What a disgrace! Shame on you, Maribel!
To read Carl Hiassen's report about the pollution Maribel is responsible for, click here.
That is absolutely incredible about the sewage being dumped every day into the bay. First time I saw that. I think it should be on the front page of every newspaper. What is being done to fix that? I am sick after reading it. I would think people higher up than this lady are responsible, but whoever it is, they should be held accountable.
This makes me sick to my stomach. Thanks for ruining my thanksgiving.
Torriente making 215K is an insult, and Natasha's daughters raking in all that cash is unacceptable.
Explains why Torriente has her nose so far Natasha's ass that she can smell her breath. What a fng scam.
Want to know who is related to who in county government? The county began using an online job application system a few years ago. It is a mess- probably the worst online application implementation in the country- but the system does ask each applicant who they are related to in the government. Get your hands on that data with a public records request and you, sir, will have hit the mother lode.
Great thread. Very interesting.
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