Thursday, October 21, 2010

Poll: The Rubio Lead is Narrowing. By Geniusofdespair

Even right wing pollsters Rasmussen had to acknowledge the polling changes in Crist's favor:

The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Rubio, picking up 43% of the vote, while Republican Governor Charlie Crist captures 32%. Democrat Kendrick Meek remains in third place with 20% of the vote. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate, and three percent (3%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Last week, Rubio held a 50% to 25% edge over Crist. Now it is 11 point spread and if Crist had Meek's voters he would be at 52%. Maybe our luck is changing. Oct. 7 the numbers in the Rasmussen Poll were Rubio 50%, Crist 25% and Meek 17% - Crist picked up the 7 points Rubio lost this week.

Type the rest of the post here


Anonymous said...

Elections tend to tighten during the last 3 weeks. Still looks good for Rubio.

Anonymous said...

The latest survey shows Rubio rising from 45 percent on Oct. 16 to 47 percent on Oct. 19 -- his highest standing since daily tracking in the three-way contest began Oct. 6.

By contrast, independent Charlie Crist slipped 3 points to 27 percent and Democrat Kendrick Meek remains stalled at 23 percent.

Geniusofdespair said...

You don't name the survey...what is your data worth? Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Sunshine State News has the polling numbers. Data worth something, have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

I think when people are faced with their own realities and the potential negative impacts of a Senator Rubio representing them in the Senate, they will vote for Crist. Play time is over. Let's get real.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine who is Black told me that when he voted today there was a discussion in the line about social security. There were expressed concerns given the fact that most Blacks die before they reach the current age for social security. If it goes to 70, very few will make it to get social security benefits. And if it goes into the stock market, even 70-year olds could end up with nothing after a life-time of contributions.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps more interesting at this point is what would happen if either Meek or Crist was to drop out of the race and create a one on one with Rubio. Crist and Rubio would tie at 46% each. Crist would have an overwhelming 66-31 lead with independents, but would win the Democratic vote by only a 69-20 margin. That 20% of Republicans (ED. NOTE: Pretty sure they mean “Democrats” here) for Rubio suggests that some segment of Meek’s supporters would be none too pleased about him being forced out of the race and would not gravitate toward Crist.

In a head to head between Rubio and Meek, Rubio would lead 48-41. Meek performs weaker than Crist because although he would lead with independents by an 11 point margin that’s nothing compared to the 35 point advantage that Crist has with that group. ORLANDO SENTINEL 10/12

Anonymous said...

Meek has made it clear that he is not getting out of the race. People either vote for Crist and have a chance to defeat Rubio, or they accept the fact that Rubio will be our Senator. We will be able to analyze the possibilities, and the what ifs, after the election is over.

Geniusofdespair said...

CNN Time Poll October 20th:

Forty-six percent of likely voters questioned in the poll say if the election were held today, they'd vote for Rubio, the former Florida House Speaker and the Republican's Senate nominee, with 32 percent saying they'd vote for Gov. Charlie Crist and one in five saying they'd cast ballots for Rep. Kendrick Meek, the Democrats' nominee.

Rubio's 14 point lead is up from an 11 point advantage in a CNN/Time/Opinion Research Corporation poll conducted late last month.

Among the larger sampling of all registered voters, Rubio holds a 39 to 32 percent advantage over Crist, with Meek remaining at 23 percent.

miaexile said...

Where is the change we were promised to "politics as usual"? To see the President come stumping for Meek, to see the DNC backing Meek - what is wrong with these people? Change would have been to see the President either come out and back Crist, or at the least stay in DC as well as to see the DNC withhold money and support from Meek. It's like the lawn sign for Rolle I walk past everyday, planted in the front yard of a shanty that looks like it's straight out of a 3rd world country. The level of ignorance around here matches that of the rising sea temperature.

Anonymous said...

Folks the one which erred here is Charlie Crist. When he left the Republican Party he should have gone all the way over to the Democratic Party and have defined himself. He would of had all of the party support and the benefit of fundraising. Now he is left wallowing in the wind with no platform and no money. He stands for nothing.

Geniusofdespair said...

The Democrats were beholden to Meek. Morons who run the party in Florida wouldn't take a liking to Crist..he couldn't go all the way with them.

B said...

I was considering Crist until I was reminded this week that he is responsible for that god-awful law that allows red light cameras. I will now be voting for Rubio. Rubio may be crooked, but at least he will stop the reckless spending in Washington and the government intrusion into our lives.

Anonymous said...

"Rubio may be crooked, but at least he will stop the reckless spending in Washington and the government intrusion into our lives."

The sad thing is, "B" really believes that. :(

miaexile said...

Rubio IS part of the reckless spending problem - and "B" when he and his fellow jugheads finally manage to turn over Social Security to Wall Street, let's hope you've got an inheritance coming your way because Social Security will not be there for you.

gold said...

Because of the traffic cameras, seriously, you're going to vote for Rubio?? I hate the traffic cameras as well, but which party is intruding into our lives? I think it's the one Rubio belongs to. All the recent "user fees" in Florida? Republican legislature. Preventing me from marrying who I want, or adopting kids? Which party do you think that is?
Stop reckless spending? Let me go check that American Express bill.

Anonymous said...

Marco Rubio's personal financial situation sure looks terrible. Everyone read Miami Herald story? I wouldn't trust him near my checking account much less the Federal Governements. Crist is a poser and no better.

It is a shame we have such weak candidates.

Anonymous said...

To B: How did you come to the conclusion that Republicans stay out of our lives? How come they want to rule on my body, and how any children I should have? How come they want to rule on homosexuals joining the army? Isn't that intruding on the lives of gays? And how about opposing gay marriages? Telling them what they can or can't do? And how about not giving seniors the choice to NOT JOIN AN HMO, AS THEY WERE TRYING TO PUSH BEFORE, THANKFULLY, DEMOCRATS WON A MAJORITY IN THE SENATE? And suddenly George W. Bush -- that crooked imbecile -- comes out with a book, stating that his greatest mistake was to NOT PRIVATIZE SOCIAL SECURITY? It is one hell of a bleak future if Republicans gain any ground on this eletion! Don't come saying you were thinking of voting for Crist, no one is going to swallow your obvious BULL!

Milly Herrera, Hialeah said...

A vote for Crist is really a vote telling ALL Republicans and Democrats that we are sick and tired of their fighting and bad political practices.

Rubio is backed by the "political machine." Most Republicans will vote for him regardless, which is why he might win.

Meek is too weak, because he has not just come to understand that both, the stimulus and healthcare bills are costing him votes.

Crist is our message taker. Voting for him will send a loud and clear message.

I have said it before and will say is again. When registered voters in Florida exceed 33%, we will begin to see a slow shift toward more politicians abandoning their party. We will even see laws change to allow NPA's to vote in the primaries.

Both, Republicans and Democrats have lost sight of their party's true ideals. There are many good things in both parties, but corruption and greed stolen their American spirit.

Vote for Crist and register as an Independent for the next election.

Geniusofdespair said...

Good comment Milly, you make a lot of sense here:

"A vote for Crist is really a vote telling ALL Republicans and Democrats that we are sick and tired of their fighting and bad political practices."


Anonymous said...

When you stand back and look at it, unintentionally Meek became Rubio's greatest ally in this three-way race. He provided a guaranteed split in the Democratic vote if nothing else, along racial lines. He was used to help defeat Greene, because Green would have launched a full frontal attack on Rubio and continued to carry northern FL. Instead, once Greene lost, Meek attacked Crist and Rubio was allowed to coast with no attacks until recenlty by Crist. And once Greene would have done his damage on Rubio, and he and Crist were spliting the vote, and combined they could get Rubio, he would have withdrawn from the race. Greene is a numbers person, Harvard MBA, and results-oriented. Instead, Meek will hold out to the end, and give us Senator Rubio. He remained in third place for the whole election, even after he won the primary. This election is a good example of how three-way races can be used to undermine the will of the people.