Saturday, October 09, 2010

Florida Senate Polling Numbers. By Geniusofdespair

Here is a comparison of some of the polls on the Senate Race. If some of you are holding onto to your absentee ballots waiting for Meek's polling numbers to pass up Crist' might miss the election. If you add Meek's numbers to Crist's you get some pretty competitive polling, with the Mason Dixon poll, Rubio would be a loser by 6 points. President Obama, please see if you can find a job for Kendrick Meek to entice him out of this race so the Tea Party Candidate, Marco Rubio, doesn't win. Meek was so insulted by the Sierra Club's double endorsement of he and Crist, that he refused to accept it. In this case, I am afraid, the Meek will not inherit the earth.


Anonymous said...

It's clear at this point that a vote for Meek is essentially a vote for Rubio. Every good Democrat needs to suck this one up and vote for Crist. It's certainly not an ideal situation, but otherwise - it'll be a cakewalk for your new Senator Marco Rubio ===> NIGHTMARE SCENARIO.

Anonymous said...

I think we can all agree on that!

Malagodi said...

No, I don't think we can all agree on that.
But it's interesting some folks would rather follow a fantasy than vote their conscience.
Fantasy 1 > Meek will withdraw.
Fantasy 2 > Democrats who support Meek will support Crist. When they don't, this will endanger Sink.
Fantasy 3 > Crist could beat Rubio on his own.

I wonder, do those who call for Meeks withdrawl ever vote for who they believe in, win or lose?

Listen, if Meek can't win, Crist can't win. A vote for Crist is a vote for a vanity candidate, as well as hopeless case. Is that what you want?

Anonymous said...

You have to be a realist on this one. There is NO WAY that Meek can beat Rubio on his own.

The numbers are simply not there!

No matter how you feel about him, at this point, a vote for Meek is a wasted vote.

Drucker said...

Meek is refusing endorsements? LOL! It just confirms that Meek is a big loser who knows he has been defeated and is already bitter about it. He should leave the race now and give Charlie a chance.

Anonymous said...

Dear Malagadi:

Rubio and his ilk are laughing out loud with glee when they read comments like yours. Do you think the corporate and reactionary interests behind Rubio are voting out of principle?

Politics is not religion. Politics is about governing and compromise.

While you are wringing your hands, worrying about your purity,"win or lose," the forces of racism and corporate power are organizing and coalescing.

Meek cannot win. He can only cause Rubio to win.

Remember Ralph Nader, who took enough votes from Al Gore to make George Bush president? We are doing it again.

By the way, as a life-long democrat and progressive, I will never forgive Nader for the harm he caused because he stayed in the race after it was clear that he could only act as a spoiler.

The same goes for Meek.

If the tea-party candidate, Rubio, becomes senator-for-life, harm will rain down on the United States, Florida, and particularly African-Americans. The blame will fall squarely on Meek. And everyone knows and will remember this.

I hope African-American voters turn out if full force and vote based upon common sense. What a victory that would be for President Obama and the rest of us!

Geniusofdespair said...

I agree with the last comment.

Anonymous said...

The time to cut a deal for Meek to drop out and support Crist has come and gone. This race is over. All possible scenarios to beat Rubio are implausible. Focus on the Bill Nelson seat now.

South Florida Lawyers said...

Like Alaska and Frankenstein, we will have created a monster.