Saturday, October 09, 2010

The PAC to Recall Mayor Alvarez. By Geniusofdespair

People Who Want Honest Government, Inc. appears to be the PAC to recall the Mayor, it was registered October 7th. Norman Braman is the President/Chairman. The other officers took me off guard:

Stanley Krieger - Secretary
Marty Margulies - Director (Art Collector/Developer)
David Dermer - Director (Former Mayor Miami Beach)
Charles Flowers - Director (Retired Pilot/Overtown Activist)
Graciela Solares - Director (Neighborhood's United President)

There isn't any money recorded in the county records yet for this PAC.


Anonymous said...

Dermer is surprising. Solares is a Regalado soldier.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone was able to see WPBT 2's debate last night between Flinn and Bell.

For those who did not, below is the link. Very interesting 12 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Each of these people should be ashamed.

The recall of Alvarez is a joke.

Alvarez is a lame-duck, term-limited mayor. He is leaving office soon, regardless.

It is stupid to have a special election at an off-time which will cost the taxpayers at least $4 million to remove him from office slightly earlier than he is going to be removed anyway.

Anonymous said...

This has the potential of costing not $4 million, it could be as high as $12-15 million, 3 elections in 6 months and then the normal elections of 2012. What a boondoggle.

Anonymous said...

What is happening here is eerily similar to a bullfight. Alvarez is the bull and Norman is the Bullfighter-Matador with his cronies as Banderilleros and Picadores. And the crowd of cubans egging Braman on for the kill, yelling "Ole"...

Anonymous said...

Grace Solares is nobody's soldier. She is a dedicated Miamian who hates seeing the overdevelopment that continues to occur.

Anonymous said...

Then Ms Solares should be campaigning for Amendment 4.

Milly Herrera, Hialeah said...

To lower our property taxes, I propose that the northwest cities (Doral, Virginia Gardens, Miami Springs, Hialeah, Opa-Locka, Hialeah Gardens, Miami Lakes, Miami Gardens and the unincorporated areas within these sectors, become their own county. I propose "Curtiss County" for the aviation pioneer, Glenn Curtiss. Maybe this is not a new thought and it is actually something that has been brewing in hidden quarters.

Not sure if this would be good or bad or Miami-Dade or for those of us who live here, but the frustration and anger are such that I am ready to say, "let's do it."

You will see how fast the recall is dropped and the focus shifts to who becomes mayor of the newly formed, Curitss County. These men only want power; none of them give a damn about you or me, anyone or anything else. These are not God fearing people at the noble and humble service of others; the corrupution is shamelessly out in the open.

Well back to reality - At least we are being heard.

Anonymous said...

Braman and company should help dump crooks MD Comm. Dorrin Rolle and Mia Comm. Richard Dunn...unfortunately, they are going down this path only

Anonymous said...

He should be recalled asap and it should be illegal for him to take money from the Marlins since he and Burgess are going to work for them when he is thrown out of office......KARMA