Pensacola beach at 9 am today. Wonder what the Anti-Crist, Drill-Baby-Drill Marco Rubio would say about this surf on one of the country's top beaches. He has been staying clear of Pensacola Beach for some reason.

Gregg Hall, the videographer, says that they are dumping rock pit sand on the pure white beach at Pensacola. There are dump trucks in this video. Are they taking sand away or covering up the mess? Gregg seems to think they are ADDING sand.
OH MY MY MY This breaks my heart.
Risky business adding sand to beaches, as we know in Miami. But hey, good business for rock miners.
Wonder how "the anti-crist" will wiggle out of this one.
Agree. It would be interesting to know if Jeb Bush and his lobbying/ consulting businesses represent any of the entities involved in the BP disaster. Maybe Marco, after he loses in the fall, could go work for him.
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