Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Gulf Oil Blog, University of Georgia Department of Marine Sciences ... by gimleteye

I've been paying attention to a blog by Dr. Samantha Joye, a marine scientist who has been in the midst of evaluating water quality science in the Gulf at a time when vast quantities of oil have catastrophically impacted local economies and wilderness values. Dr. Joye, as a result of the catastrophe, has been propelled from the bench lab and research ship to the halls of Congress where she has provided expert testimony. The following notes were provided by an Eyeonmiami reader who attended a lecture by Dr. Joye at UGA yesterday:

This afternoon, I attended an hour presentation and Q/A session by UGA scientist, Dr. Joye, (that lasted 3 hours) about the research she and her colleagues have been conducting related to the BP "Blowout" (she does NOT believe that "spill" is an appropriate adjective).

She came directly from the WEEKLY press conference she has been hosting on the disaster.

In addition to her detailed scientific insights into the cause of the disaster and current, grossly inadequate efforts to control it, she confirmed that the newly passed law banning the public and media from ALL associated contamination sites also includes all researchers.

She also confirmed that the daily/nightly "burns" BP is conducting of all fossil fuels within boomed areas has NO agency oversight and includes all live animals in the area, such as sea turtles, marine mammals and birds.

She also confirmed that the lease process REQUIRES that if any malfunction occurs that results in the un-captured discharge of oil and gas, that the company is REQUIRED to complete a form DAILY to submit to the feds providing the amount of oil and gas that has discharged illegally.

Apparently they have to pay the US royalties on every barrel that discharges from the well(s).

BP had not submitted a SINGLE form for a SINGLE DAY to the feds. Dr. Joye brought this to the attention of key members of Congress who are intervening and requiring that the documents be completed and submitted. Of course the toxic dispersants BP are using make it impossible determine the true volume of discharge from the destroyed well and surrounding formation.

Wish I could enlighten you about everything else she covered. Unfortunately, the best I can do is to refer you to her blog site, which includes far less information than she provided this afternoon:


Anonymous said...

Ya wouldnt want a photo of a turtle or dolphin in a lake of burning oil on the web, wudja? Those libruls wuld getchaholdait and wreck the economy. Jobs, not manatees.

Unknown said...

Anonymous Without marine life we die too. you twit!if liberals were the problem this volcano in the Gulf would not be happening.Cheney ,Bush and the greedy oil whores created this mess and for what profits.Please go back and look at the profits these idiots have made in the last 10 years.