Lynda is the President of the Miami Chapter of Florida Right To Life, Inc. and she is a candidate for Katy Sorenson's Commission seat. As you can see in the press release above, when Lynda Bell was President of the entire Florida Right to Life, Inc. group she was advocating for judges friendly to her cause in a Feb. 5, 2009 press release, all the while she was Mayor of Homestead. That does not sit well with us.

The Political Action Committee mentioned in the graphic above (from the Florida Right to Life website) was dissolved in 1982 yet they are still doing political activism (hit read more to see all the recent activity in Florida).
In this graphic from the Florida Right To Life website it says:
"When you vote pro-life you are not a "single-issue" voter, you just will not consider someone who is not qualified! Any candidate who says abortion should be kept legal disqualifies him/herself from public service."
It cuts both ways Lynda Bell: We feel that - in your case we will invoke the single issue as your group does - we say that "Any candidate who says abortion should NOT be kept legal disqualifies herself from public service."
Applying YOUR standards: We hereby disqualify you from consideration because you are "not qualified for public service".
Lynda Bell, you are NOT ENDORSED FOR DISTRICT 8 BY EYE ON MIAMI. We recommend that voters not vote for you.
What FRTL has been up to:
6/11/10 Charlie Crist Vetoes Bill to Opt Out of Health Care Abortion Funding, for Ultrasound
6/10/10 Florida Women Who Have Experienced Abortion Call on Gov. Crist to Sign HB 1143
6/10/10 Florida Right to Life Announces Legislator Awards
6/7/10 We need a STRONG FINAL PUSH OF SUPPORT for HB1143, Prohibition on Taxpayers Funding of Abortion & the Ultrasound before Abortion Bill
5/28/10 We will remember - Memorial Day 2010
5/25/10 Myth vs. Fact: The Truth about HB 1143 - PLEASE PRINT OUT AND SHARE
5/24/10 May 2010 Newsletter: Letter to Gov Crist from FRTL President, What will Charlie do?, Hello Baby - new iPad app
5/21/10 Countdown to the Convention! June 24, 25, & 26, 2010 in Pittsburgh!
5/10/10 National Right to Life Comments on Elena Kagan Nomination to Supreme Court
5/9/10 Thanks to all Moms for Life!
5/7/10 May 2010 Newsletter: Woman Killed For Refusing Abortion, Urge Gov. Crist to Sign HB 1143
5/6/10 Your call is needed today! Urge Governor Crist to Sign HB 1143. 80% of 6,300 Calls to Gov. Crist are asking for a VETO! PLEASE CALL NOW!
5/4/10 Urge Governor Crist to Sign HB 1143, Prohibition on Taxpayers Funding for Abortion and the Ultrasound Before Abortion Bill
4/28/10 ACTION ALERT: FRTL Needs Your Help to Pass Ultrasound in the House
4/7/10 April 2010 Newsletter: Abortion Stats
3/19/10 Unborn Child Bill Wins Senate Panel OK
3/15/10 House Democratic Leadership will force a vote on Health Reform this week. Pelosi says, "The fact is ... it's going to be the law of the land."
3/13/10 March 2010 Newsletter: FRTL Supports Pro-Life Bills filed in Florida's 2010 State Legislative Session, Pro-lifers Bring End to PP Funding, Website Highlights!
3/9/10 PLEASE ACT IMMEDIATELY ON THIS ALERT: Tell Lawmakers: Reject Obama's Pro-Abortion Health Care Bill!
3/5/10 The House vote on the Senate Health Bill IS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT!
2/27/10 CODE RED ACTION ALERT! Obama's FORCEFUL Attempt to Push HIS Health Care Bill into Law - Expansive Abortion funding into Community Health Centers and LIMITS American's Opportunity to SPEND THEIR OWN MONEY to Improve the Chances of Saving Their OWN Family's Lives through Reconciliation Ploy!
2/2/10 February 2010 Newsletter: Celebrate Life Day, Tebow Super Bowl Ad, PP Director becomes pro-life, Over-Population Myth, Abortion: the ultimate abuse of women, ...
1/28/10 Florida Right to Life Cheers Tebow Ad to Air on CBS During Super Bowl
1/21/10 January 2010 Newsletter: March for Life Events in Florida and Tell Lawmakers to Reject Obama's Pro-Abortion Health Care Bill!
12/24/09 A Special Christmas Message For You
11/10/09 NRLC Responds to Obama Statement on Stupak-Pitts Amendment
11/6/09 URGENT: Call Congress again - "Rule" vote expected on Health Reform Bill today or tomorrow!
11/5/09 Condition Red! Call Congress Again! Vote Friday!
10/26/09 Pelosi wants to ram pro-abortion health care bill through the House! Call your representative ASAP!
10/13/09 October 2009 Newsletter: Health Reform MUST EXCLUDE ABORTION and Gonzalez Trial for Botched Abortion Case Begins
10/8/09 NRLC: White House Press Secretary's Remarks Show White House Still Engaged in Smuggling Operation for Government Funding of Abortion
9/30/09 URGENT - New Events In Congress Further Uncover Pro-Abortion Agenda In Health Care Bills
9/25/09 Member Notes: IRS to Imprison Those Who Can't Pay IRS fines for Not Complying With ObamaCare
9/23/09 40 Days for Life - Mission and Prayers
9/16/09 Life Chain Will Present Pro-Woman, Pro-Life Message to Millions in October
9/10/09 Sept 2009 Newsletter: Health Care Reform Action Alert and Tribute to Robert Schindler, Sr., father of Terri Schindler Schiavo
9/10/09 National Right to Life calls out President Obama for misleading remarks in joint session address
8/31/09 Member Notes: Florida Right to Life P.A.C. Endorses John Thrasher in Special Election
8/11/09 Member Notes: Florida Right to Life is proud to partner with 16 year old Lauren Eddy, who is working with Florida's youth to identify our pro-life students and to have their voices heard on life issues. The results of this petition will be sent to President Barack Obama and members of Congress.
8/10/09 August 2009 Newsletter: Adult Stem Cells become vision cells, Health Reform bills greatly expand abortion
8/5/09 AP confirms: Obama plan would allow abortion coverage
7/31/09 Member Notes: 2008 Abortion Statistics
7/13/09 July 2009 Newsletter: Fla Abortionist Loses Court Appeal, ACTION ALERT: Health Reform Bill Promotes Abortions Allowing Federal Funding Of Abortions
6/12/09 June 2009 Newsletter: MS Patients Benefit from ASC, Assisted Suicide Endangers All, FRTL`09 Oratory Winner
6/1/09 National Right To Life Condemns The Killing Of Dr. George Tiller
5/26/09 National Right to Life Responds To Sotomayor Nomination
5/22/09 May 2009 Newsletter: Baby Samuel 10 yrs later, Respect or Revulsion, NRLC Convention
5/7/09 National Right to Life Slams Obama White House for Urging Repeal of Ban on Tax-Funded Abortion-on-Demand in Nation's Capital
5/5/09 Please thank President Jeff Atwater and Speaker Larry Cretul for continuing to fund crisis pregnancy centers
4/24/09 April 2009 Newsletter: Florida Judge Refuses to Seal Evidence in Botched Abortion Case and NRLC 2009 Convention
4/22/09 FRTL Demands Obama End Torture Of Children in Florida
3/31/09 Pro-Cloning Advocates Preparing To Ram House Bill For Federal Funding Of Human Cloning And Human Embryo Farms
3/20/09 Florida Abortion-Ultrasound Bill, Red Envelope Project, National Right to Life Academy
3/11/09 Florida Gov Crist Criticized for Appointing Planned Parenthood-Backed Judge
3/9/09 Obama Order Opens Door to Widespread Killing of Embryonic Humans in Government-Funded Research
2/6/2009 Free-Fire Zone in Florida: Another Day, Another Live-Birth Killing by the Abortion Industry
2/6/2009 House Republican Legislators Call For Murder Charges In Tragic Abortion Case
2/5/2009_Help Needed Now on Appointment of New Florida Supreme Court Judge
1/28/09_Governor's veto helps CPC's
1/23/09 Obama Rescinds Reagan Mexico City Policy
1/22/2009_House Republicans Ask Obama To Withdraw Pledge to Sign FOCA
1/16/09 FOCA, March For Life, Tim Tebow, More ...
And she is a very angry person about being anti-choice. There is no discussion or explaining your view-point in a conversation with this woman.
Lynda treats her constituents the same way on other subjects. I wonder if this extreme view of hers has turned her temperament bitter people who dont agree with her?
Aside from the choice issue, Bell talks about her experience in Homestead as if being mayor of the city ranked as worst in housing value declines is something she is proud of. It's the Eppling / Losner effect.
"we say that any candidate who says abortion should NOT be kept legal disqualifies herself from public service."
WOW! I guess, being pro-life also disqualifies Albert Harum-Alvarez.
Too bad, Albert.
Line Up Everyone! It's Lynda Bell's turn to get "ganged-up" on!!!
It seems the Bell philosophy is that of never agreeing to disagree and no respect for any difference of opinion. Once you cross her, it's over. Just ask many who used to have jobs with the city of Homestead and those in the churches she has bolted from when she did not get "her" way. The abortion issue is her guide post for life, there is no gray area just yes or no as long as you agree with her. As for the problem in Homestead, she had nothing to do with enabling those who profited during the boom BUT the moratorium she crows about was full of loop holes and therefore meaningless and about a year too late. Check out though, how much the benefits package increased for officials during her short tenure as Mayor.
What does anti gay adoption (in the press release) have to do with pro- life? Good call EOM, use her own rigid thinking against her.
I don't think. Genius and Gimleteye ganged up on her. I think they turned the tables on her . What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
"the moratorium she crows about was full of loop holes and therefore meaningless and about a year too late."
Well, the developers didn't think so then, and they definately don't think so NOW! They cited the "meaningless" moratorium as the single reason why they didn't even consider her when screening candidates for endorsement.
The moratorium was issued right after she was sworn-in - in November or December of 2007. In my view, it was right on the money! She's the only candidate I know of that took a very couragous stand against the rich and greedy development and paid for it with her political life. That's leadership and cojones!
Her pro-life stance IS meaningless in the Commission. CHOICE is the law of the land. I don't recall her pontificating from the dais about pro-life or issuing official appeals using City letterhead to advance her agenda, unlike other sitting commissioners.
What I care about is how my tax money is spent. While she was Mayor, she definately WAS and IS fiscally conservative! Just look at all the comments from people who didn't get THEIR way while she was Mayor!
This must be a first!!! A candidates own narrow minded words from her website used against her. Abortion is the law of the land. Her group has been routinely discarding candidates who support the law and for no other reason. It is about time someone discarded one of theirs for the same reason.
Katy Sorenson according to this group, should have been disqualified from public service. Glad that never happened.
This race is for the Miami-Dade Board of County
Commissioners, right? They are concerned with
civic issues like building, planning and zoning, land use and development, effective and accountable government, infrastructure. We should focus on
who has the education and experience in government to do the job. The job is an intensive meat grinder and any one who takes it has to hit the ground running; it is not a place for learning on the job. Let's look for someone who can represent us well and possibly influence the distasteful culture of
the BCC.
Look, just because the district is Democrat, doesnt mean that it should reduce free speech. While I am pro choice, I think that she is in her right to take a stand. I am sure many think as she does but dont have the courage to say how they really feel. Your opinion on the blog is just the other side of the same coin and I'm sure you would be disturbed if the Herald did not publish or banned your comments from their page just because it was not in line with their opinion. Journalism is not about banning free speech, please reconsider your opinions.
I find it incredible that so many people are up i arms about something a county commissioner has no control over! These are Federal issues. Lets ask the candidates about bringing jobs, balancing a budget and improving education. Lets stop dividing communities with these types of issues.
last couple of posters, the RTL website doesn't make the distinction as to what the candidates have a right to vote on. They just have that one issue and they base their judgment on that. The tables have turned and Lynda supporters are not happy.
Bell shoud have dropped her RTL post when she became mayor by not doing so she has chosen which public service she wants - you can't serve both.
we say we want people to run for office, and when they do.... we try to find fault with them, then put them through the wringer and throw stones... no wonder no one wants to run..... it's a shame.
If these are federal issues why is Bell writing press releases about Florida issues? The group doesn't differentiate whether a candidate can vote on their issues. They just have a blanket condition for candidates over all. This is fair to apply the same blanket condition to their candidates. Gay adoption in Florida is not a RTL issue but they have made it their issue. It is my issue and I won't be voting for her.
I am glad you are alert today readers. So now re-read the endorsement...where it says:
The RTL website says:
"ANY CANDIDATE" that has expressed they are pro-choice,
the website does not say "any candidate that might vote on this issue"
Lynda Bell supporters: You lose on this issue. The website is clear in what it says.
Just because it's a federal issue does not discount it. If you support these candidates when they believe things you don't, one day your vote may take them to a higher position, where their opinions on abortion will be very relevant.
This is a case of someone who lives in a glass house finally getting a stone thrown at her.
the most important item to me here is that it says the entity was dissolved in 1982 but is still putting out election pieces. isn't this a violation of elections law? file a complaint or something... someone!
It is a violation of their 501-C3 status not election law.
This blog is more concerned about pelicans and crabs than human beings.
Just because it's a federal issue does not discount it. If you support these candidates when they believe things you don't, one day your vote may take them to a higher position, where their opinions on abortion will be very relevant.
Thanks for your opinions RTL people. however reread our non-endorsement. We applied it to Lynda Bell's Group's standards no other standard...If you have standards why shouldn't others follow them?
When you say idiotic lies like:
that we here delight in the killing of the unborn, you will be removed. That is not what this post is about. It is about a candidate for office.
We support the law of the land.
We don't trash perfectly good candidates on one lawful issue.
Reader above said:
Your opinion on the blog is just the other side of the same coin and I'm sure you would be disturbed if the Herald did not publish or banned your comments from their page just because it was not in line with their opinion. Journalism is not about banning free speech, please reconsider your opinions.
Come on reader, the Miami Herald ALWAYS BLOCKS THE OTHER SIDE WHEN IT SUITS THEM. Where have you been? That is why we started this blog n the first place to get our views aired. You are reading a blog it is EDITORIAL by its very nature. If you are looking for free speech, go somewhere else may I suggest...Fox news for instance.
You are asking us to reconsider our opinion?? I don't know why. Because it doesn't agree with your opinion or someone elses? There is a button top right of this page...hit it. Start your own blog and then you can run it the way you want and have people bother you.
It is not just a FEDERAL issue. It is a State issue as well.
It is also a tolerance issue. One side is intolerant of anyone with a different view than theirs.
For those claiming it is a Federal issue, think about what you've been reading in the news of late.
Who runs Jackson? The County, through the PHT. The Commission just decided to create a replacement oversight board on "stand-by" and has always had the power to establish health care policy for the hospital.
The RTL issue is also a local one. Ask any woman seeking reproductive services at one of the Baptist hospitals. Without Jackson, there's already a ban.
It is a local issue, and one quite close to the District in play.
Applying the RTL and EOM standards to all candidates not a single person running is qualified for the District 8 seat.
They have all answered the question.
Just an observation, District 8 can now count on a mute to be their voice. Ironic.
No no no. read the endorsement again... and again. It is very clear that this is not about the RTL stance, it is more about the litmus test applied to a candidate.
Baptist Hospital is a private entity. They can do whatever the hell they want.
Jackson Hospital is a public one. As long as Jackson remains public, the law of the land HAS to prevail. The Commission CANNOT impose its will when it comes to abortion - they must follow State and Federal Law. Period!
I am not a member of RTL and have never cared to be but I liked the way Bell handled the City of Homestead's finances. She got rid of 'do nothings', negotiated contracts with the Unions, used a lot of public money to refurbish parks (something that was very much needed and did not have to do) and she took a very tough stand against overdevelopment in an extremely difficult economic time.
You guys can talk all you want but here in Homestead, there IS A LOT of buyers' remorse with the current City Council.
My vote is for Bell.
She just happened to be mayor when the parks refurbishment was completed. These projects had been in the works and were funded by impact fees generated by the false boom. There she goes again with the half truths.
I agree that Lynda is not the best choice in this race. There are a lot better candidates.
you're right she may not be the best but she's definitely not the worst.
Run, Katy, run!
Can't we all just get along???
Sorry Rodney, we have to narrow down the field...you have to be able to make the tough decisions. Whomever gets elected will be there for 20 years so the choice has to be a good one.
As long as the Supremes read penumbras of natural law and rights into the Constitution abortion will be legal. So, why does it matter what our commissioner thinks on this issue again? Oh, right, it doesn't.
Lynda ...good luck. We've met on a couple of occasions and I thought you were super-nice, attentive, down to earth and at the same time, knowledegable on issues.
I wish you the best. :)
oh great. I just found out I am dumber than dirt.
I am very sorry. But reading the press release and knowing when it was written makes me wonder what Lynda was doing on the dais.
She has been divisive as a councilwoman, abusive as a mayor, and if the rumor is true, even was a factor in her church's split.
She is not a consensus with that kind of track record.
Additionally, she has taken credit for things she had no control over. Any political newby benefits from the previous office holder..even in a good way or in bad way depending whats in the pipeline.
Lynda needed to be in office for longer than 2 years to see a legacy for her work.
Right to LIfe issues have nothing to do with this race. Does LInda think that the moral majority is going to show up and vote for her based upon her position on an issue that will never touch the commission. SHe has a right to her opinions, but the grandstanding is a bit much to take. She's a loose cannon and, perhaps, a bit of a loony toons.
^^^^Hey, what has dirt ever done to you?!^^^^
The issue is not so much her stand on the abortion issue but rather what her stand says about her demeanor and ability to respect the opinions of others and do what is right for the district. As a Bell observer for many years, I see a person who once you disagree with her, even privately, you no longer have the ability to work with her on any other issue.It is always made to be personal rather than political and in that regard she becomes the woman scorned. I do not believe she can accept respectful difference of opinion. There is a level of collegiality needed in public office and she lacks in that department. While Sorensen usually differed in opinion from the rest of the commission, she did not go out of her way to alientate or criticize them or any one of them so as to prevent future joint efforts on big issues. After all, despite being the outsider, she did attain the post of Vice Chair. In stark contrast, Lynda Bell has shown her inability to accept, respect or overlook any difference of opinion and that, in my opinion, disqualifies her from consideration.
For the record, I don't think you are all dumber than dirt...the last poster being an example of a thoughful person and there were many others.
I Get no respect !!!
Why just the other day I commented on a blog for the first time and everyone else commented on how dumb I was even G.O.D. chimed in.
No respect I tell ya.....
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