Friday, December 18, 2009

"Miami Today" on Javier Souto 'Seeing the Light'. By Geniusofdespair

Seems like me (I called it a lucid moment) and Michael Lewis agree on County Commissioner Souto's crusade for ethics, transparency and good government within the County. In his December 17 Editorial, Lewis said:

Unfortunately, Mr. Souto has broken the code of the governmental underworld: he has squealed on wrongdoing — legal or not, it's wrongdoing — by commissioners and officials. And he has done it in public. He will not be forgiven by Mr. Burgess, who punishes all but yes men. He will not be aided by those commissioners who are themselves yes men, who go along and get along. But he deserves active support from civic groups like the Miami Business Forum, League of Women Voters, Greater Miami Chamber and other chambers of commerce of this county. And, Lewis said:

Not only is it surprising that Mr. Souto is the one who has blown the whistle on dirty county hall behavior that everyone sees but nobody seems to notice, it's also a pity.

It's a pity because few commissioners take Mr. Souto seriously. When he speaks, they roll their eyes and smirk. He is not, bluntly, a force on the dais.

Are you listening Civic Groups? Also, citizens you can email his office and tell him you support his efforts.


Anonymous said...

Good for Souto. He can be a vindictive person so let's hope his motives are pure and not payback for some slight (like his cattle show).
The problem is that chambers and other groups are the beneficiaries of a less-than-ethical commission; I don't see them piling on.

Anonymous said...

The majority of the County Commissioners are sheep who only do what their lobbyist masters tell them to do.

After approving the disasterous Marlins bailout any scam can get a majority vote.

Watch the two broke museums con the County out of $500 mil in cash after they conned the City out of $100 mil in taxpayer owned waterfront land. Watch the idiots at the County turn that debacle into another $1 Bil loss.

el caballo said...

Souto's newfound appreciation for transparency is as authentic as Seijas' new love of the environment. He has been Mr Backroom, but since he got shut out for the cows and horses (for which he sold his soul to the marlis stadium for a contribution to his cow foundation) now he is all up in arms. He got outfoxed and now he is all hurt.
Souto has been abusive of the "civic groups" calling them the wine and cheese , "white" downtown crowd, and now you want them to jump on his bandwagon. Screw him and the show horse he rode in on.