Friday, December 18, 2009

Fairchild Garden: what a mess ... by gimleteye

Scarcely a month ago I wrote a glowing review of the most positive development I've experienced in nearly two decades in Miami: the Fairchild Challenge... an environmental education program that has grown in a few years from nothing to serve more than 50,000 middle and high school students in the US and a model for the world. This week, Caroline Lewis, the Director of Education for Fairchild and the powerhouse behind the program, was "let go" by the Garden. I could go on ...


Anonymous said...

Why was she let go?

Anonymous said...

Where others layed off, too? Are there financial problems, like everywhere with nonprofits.

Anonymous said...

Where does Greer Stand on this issue?

Anonymous said...

it's as if they are systematically removing all the directors that give the garden could this there nobody left to speak truth to power? Someone should turn over a few rocks...and they should start at the top!

Anonymous said...

Before you deride a good program and an excellent botanical garden, you should at least get the facts. You don't report any information as to WHY she was let go. Perhaps it is a bad move, but with your lack of any knowledge as to why she was let go, or what their future plans are, it's irresponsible and immature to slam a respected institution for a staff move.

Anonymous said...

There is a whole new education building that went out to bid. Is that still going to happen?

Anonymous said...

Hey brotherman, how about some frickin facts as to why she was let go?

Anonymous said...

Follow the money. Whose money is building the Education Center, and, what are their interests? There's more to this story and how a career educator was sacrificed by Greer.

Anonymous said...

I hear from good sources she was let go because Greer wanted her gone and created an issue out of a non issue. He wants control over the education group the way he now controls all of Fairchild. Greer, it appears, prefers to be the only decisionmaker at the garden, systematically destroying and reducing all departments, except for the COO's office.

That Bruce Greer would go after the Director of education like this shows his true colors.

Hayes C. Bowen said...

As a longtime friend and volunteer at Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden, it is distressing that the Garden's mission of conservation, education and research is barely visible through the art and social functions that have appeared over the past several years. It was one thing to have a highly successful season built around Dale Chihuly's world-reknown glass work. But look around: fake gorillas and dinosaurs are running amuck. It's so Disney like. The Garden has been dumbing down the ideals of the garden's founder, David Fairchild! Department heads are leaving or being terminated. Volunteers are quitting, and local and international programs are now in jeopardy. Recent actions by the Director of the Garden, supported by the Board of Trustees have led to the departure of an outstanding educator who was on the cusp of both national and international recognition in environmental education. The Fairchild Challenge program has grown exponentially since it's inception and now reaches over 50,000 students locally. Gardens across the globe are embracing its purpose and becoming satellite partners: all based on the vision and energetic leadership of Caroline Lewis, also gone. The Garden is transformed: for the worse.

Anonymous said...

The reason that Greer hasn't touched the COO is that they are basically running the Garden together. They've fired most of the scientists (including horticulturalists maintaining the plants!) and they want credit for Lewis's great education program, too. I also hear rumors that something is rotten in Denmark, if you know what I mean.

Many of the remaining employees are thinking of jumping ship.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not he has or will touch the COO has yet to be fully exposed. If I was an employee I'd make sure there were enough life vest for those still on-board.

HelloKitty said...

I think it's Bigfoot, not a gorilla.

Anonymous said...

To give you an inside look on the "reason" and reaction to the dismissal of Caroline Lewis, check out this letter sent out amongst teachers involved with the Challenge:

Dear Colleagues and Educators,

Probably some or all of you got the unacceptable news about the dismissing of Caroline Lewis as Education Director of the Fairchild Garden. I just learned about this outrageous decision made by the Board of Trustees of the Fairchild, whose president Bruce Greer was directly involved.

There were some very pitiful, unfounded, and misleading allegations from newly hired employees that Caroline is "racist"! Of all the people! I consider this action is another whack to education and educators.

I think we all owe our gratitude to Caroline; a visionary and genuine, enthusiastic, sincere, and outstanding educator who founded the Fairchild Challenge; she supported teachers in ways for which we should be profoundly grateful. She gave opportunities to thousands of students to feel successful and proud. When the Garden tried to limit her responsibilities in a new, diminished role, Caroline would not agree. Well, I do not agree that we should just let this silently pass; her great work just shuffled off to the side for their own reasons.

We certainly can and should express our deep appreciation of what Caroline Lewis has done for environmental education. I urge you to write letter of support on her behalf and send them to Carl Lewis, the Fairchild Director and to Bruce Greer, the President of Board of Trustees.

Caroline Lewis stood up for us, and it is time for us to stand up for her.