We don't have this kind of fun in Miami. Where are all our fun people?
Well, Miami had one protester at the Public Service Commission Meeting today (about the two additional nuclear reactors at Turkey Point). A reader sent me a shot of this student that was protesting at the meeting held at Miami Dade College. It was reported that other "fun people" in attendance were Mayor of South Miami, Vice Mayor of Florida City and someone from Homestead -- all there to cheer on FP&L. Flunkies!

Actually, there was Jon Burgess who is the Vice Mayor of Homestead, a person representing the city of redundancy (The City of Florida City) and Felix from South Miami.
I was at a meeting in the City of South Miami during the last mayor’s term. Trust me, the city commissioners were not all adoring back then with FPL. There was the very same list of characters there today from FPL... they must have kissed and made up with the City really good to get accolades like they during today’s meeting.
Today’s meeting was like a high school nomination for most popular and most liked. Every Business organization in the world was there talking about how great FPL was and blessed they were to share the planet with them. I would like to know why United Way sent a representative. And exactly, how does the Campus President of the Homestead Campus of Miami-Dade stand up there and say she is not being paid to be there and that her organization doesn't stand to benefit if FPL builds that plant. Heck, during her testimony she went on and on about how they supported the college and was giving her graduates jobs. Sure sounds like she would get more give-mes and make her career placement offices happy if FPL grows.
The issue should have been "was the public noticed about the plant, and the hearing?" Do we need this plant? If you are a Pal who shares in the good fortune of FPL generous community funding, you would say "the public knows all about it, FPL even came to our board meetings." Whooppeee.
I appreciate the fact that FPL participates in the community, however, they also snooker the government officials into believing the community approves of these plants. How can the public approve of something they don't know about?
There was a gentleman that spoke at the end. He lives in Homestead. Contrary to what the vice-mayor said, the gentleman said that the communities received no notice of meetings about this and had no notices. The vice-mayor said it was discussed in the council chambers ... let's see... 60,000 residents and there is 100 in chamber. Toss in a few watching on tv and the web... yup, that sounds about right. Great notice to the rest of the Homestead community (the other 59,850 folks) about something that could trash their lives forever with the flip of a switch.
There was a young lady from the Palm Beaches that summed it up bluntly, "FPL does a good job of buying people". At least she didn't say "bribing".
Key points:
No real people at the meeting... they were 40 miles away from those most impacted.
No public dialogue....
only political and chamber chat, no one asking the grassroots folks.
Non-profits speaking the facts....
At least someone was trying to show there are 2 sides.
Big point: FPL is a business...
They do what they need to do to make $$$ for their shareholders... this point wasn't made. (Chambers can't admit that)
Isn't that Horace from South Miami...Horace G. Feliu who said his citizens support the two new reactors when asked...
The mayor of S. Miami is up for re-election. FP&L people give to campaigns.
opps, it is Horace.
Feliu and Felix are close, yes?
Why do you guys let the poster people for all of your environmental concerns always be the scrubby looking guys in the Che guevera shirt.
It's always someone who looks like they don't bathe, or have a job, or have a clue, etc...
It just looks like a bunch of lazy a-holes.
It doesn't do much good for your cause, because most people look at them and say "that guy can't possible be saying anything worth hearing"
Just an observation.
you weren't around for the 60's protests not a moderate. The scruffy people helped stop a war...
I'm with you G, but remember.
The times, they are a changin"
P.S. - What blog name do you think would sufice for me?
A blog name for you?
I think NotAMod or M-Orderate or my favorite
I agree with Moderate -- it would be a great photo op to see a bunch of people in business suits holding up no nuke signs. And unfortunately, the politicians do judge people by the way they look. Not saying that it is fair or that they should -- I'm just saying that is what happens in reality. Anyone who looks like like the guy in the picture will be completely discounted. Unfortunately, if environmentalists want to try to sway the politicians, they are going to have to start looking like the politicians.
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