There was no story of course in the Miami Herald (as noted by G.O.D. below) of today's public hearing for two new nuclear reactors at Turkey Point. But there was a story about possible Democratic challengers to the Republican lock on Congressional seats in Miami Dade, Florida's largest and most politically influential county.
What the Cuban American congressional delegation thinks about nuclear power likely runs along the lines of "Is it good for development?" Or, "Will it help depose Castro?"
But of the two, making life easier and more profitable for the Latin Builders Association is the clear winner.
Cuban American politics has always been about local economics related to building and construction.
But the housing bust will outlive Castro, and that leaves the Cuban American political elite in something of a quandry. What to do?
So, the question arises why Florida Power and Light is pushing to obtain permits for two new nuclear reactors at Turkey Point, without even letting the Cuban American political elite know where the coolant water will come from (do they even care? apparently not, according to the recent performance of the Miami Dade county commission, glossing over the issue as they approved FPL's special use zoning exception).
First of all, the city of Homestead and Florida City are cheap dates for anything that will turn their green acres into Kendall, as soon as possible. They welcome nuclear power at their door and at the door to Monroe County.
The nuclear industry has powerful players with Florida connections, like lobbyist Christine Todd Whitman--former EPA chief.
In other words, the political sheet for nuclear is cleaner here than anywhere else in the nation. And they have Marco Rubio, Speaker of the House in the Florida legislature.
Rubio, Jeb's protege, represents the status quo, Republican push-back against Governor Charlie Crist's efforts to pull Florida to a new energy future, along the lines of California.
Given the hostility between Jeb and California's Schwarzenegger, Rubio is likely picking up his cues from the utilities like Florida Power and Light. And push-back against Crist's deep-sixing the Glades coal-fired plant proposal by FPL.
Last but not least, if federal laws protecting National Parks and the environment can be breached at Turkey Point in siting new nuclear power, they can be breached anywhere.
The appropriate glare through which to view the controversy over nuclear power is cast in today's Wall Street Journal, where the center front page story reports on the efforts by California's utilities to conserve energy, not just produce it.
"California regulators essentially are giving utilities a chance to earn as much profit by reducing energy as by producing it."
Let's see which of Miami's Cuban American Congressional incumbents and aspirants first come out for conservation and against more nuclear power until every last watt is squeezed out of new initiatives and technologies that don't send us down the path of Dante's Inferno.
I looked at the map. And, the City of Homestead is alright with this? They are a bunch of Turkeys then and they belong living closest to Turkey Point.
Speaking of FPL, Wackenhut CEO Gary Sanders resigned yesterday, hours after I posted a video of people protesting against Wackenhut at FPL headquarters.
The revolution will not be televised. It will be broadcast on Youtube.
The people in Homestead, Florida City, Leisure City, Naranja, Goulds, Cutler Bay, Palmetto Bay and the other areas around it don't know what is coming. It has not been advertized or published in the community newspapers.
You have to dig for information.
Nice, huh?
If these reactors are built, the Turkey Power facility will be the second largest in the nation.
Reading this blog you would think that Cuban developers and the LBA are responsible for all the development in Miami... What a crock. You have those of the Jewish persuasion leading Lennar, and other high end home builders. Shoma, I don't think Masood Sojee (not sure about the spelling) is Cuban, but I may be wrong. Jorge Perez, he had Cuban parents, but he is 100% Argentine. Tibor Hollo, Hungarian... Cabi Development, Mexico... The local face of the Crosswinds project, Mathew Swartz... not Cuban... The list goes on and on and on...
By the way, the largest development and construction consortium is the Builders Association of South Florida...
I don't want to get into a cultural spitting war here, but let's stick to facts.
The president of Lennar Homes in Miami-Dade County is a Cuban-American named Anthony Seijas.
I'm not sure if he is Jewish, but he and another Cuban-American developer named Sergio Pino are now planning the urbanization in Havana.
They even hired an architect who was able to design buildings by looking through maps and guide books.
It was a front page article in the Miami Herald, but do you think they acknowledged the fact that Seijas and Pino, who is president of Century Homebuilders, were developers?
Of course not. They made no mention of the companies they ran. The Herald referred to them only as "urbanization experts".
The article is no longer online. But I can assure you I am correct. I blogged about it here.
Yo no creo en el Herald.
Carlos Miller,
From what I have read it's not just the development opportunities that many in Miami are salivating over. It's the ability to open (or re-open, as the case may be) gambling casinos.
Perhaps this is why the Cuban-American community in Miami seems to have a strangely disproportionate influence on national politics.
the best thing about miami is its people
wear your culture and be proud of it
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