Back to my title - There is a bigger picture to look at in this article. Many child abusers, etc. go on for years with their own children. The children of these repugnant people curiously cover for them, protect them and in most cases still love them. To do otherwise would hurt a child’s own self image: My father/mother is evil so I must be too. So the children must deceive themselves for their own good.
We have communities/groups here in Miami that do the EXACT same things as these children. Good leadership is so hard to come by in some areas, the people revere their leaders so much, they are unable to acknowledge the bad behavior of their leaders. They believe all the back-peddaling Kendrick and Carrie are doing in this Herald article. Why? Because were the community to acknowledge the bad behavior, they believe it would be a reflection on themselves, which, of course, is not true.
You would think when I mention "Group" I am talking ONLY about the the leaders in the community that help Carrie Meek and her son get elected. True enough. The African American community is proud of their elected officials and they take a shitload of crap from them. They even support that awful Rolle over and over – the man that has been throwing the community crumbs for years.
However, I am mostly talking about the Democratic Party.
The candidates for President are able to look the other way on so much just for an endorsement, a foot in the door – to get that black vote in Florida. Well, Democratic candidates who are pandering, let me tell you something: You suck.
Democrats: you should instead stand up for ethical government and ethical leaders and maybe, just maybe these self-serving charismatic leaders would fall down to their level of incompetence and get the boot. Without the Party pumping them up on the national stage, maybe the electorate would have the courage to vote them out. As long as the party is propping up the stature, the community will too. The Democratic Party Presidential Candidates are acting like the mother of abused children (who is the codependent propping up the father, not acknowledging the heinous behavior).
The Community is suffering and no one in politics really cares. Not one elected official that I see in Miami-Dade. This Herald series reaches my ICK level. Barfable to be sure.
Candidate Barack Obama finally got my attention this week talking about ethics reform in government...an oxymoron? I'm finally listening to a candidate.
P.S. Why didn't County Manager Burgess or his staff do a little research on Boston developer Dennis Stackhouse? Not even a google search, or public records? Come on!
There is a cone of silence in our community. No one will say anything bad about another black. It is just not done plain and simple, right or wrong. We don't talk about it...Like the mother in your column. DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT and maybe it will get better.
Arnall, Joe H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904/493-2230
13500 Sutton Park Sr S #202, Jacksonville, FL
Dennis Stackhouse
Poinciana Partners 780 Fisherman St, Opa-
Locka, FL 33054
Industry Code: 325412
Effective: 03/13/2007 -Withdrawn- 04/18/2007
McKown, Mia L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850/521-8014
106 E College Ave Ste 1200, Tallahassee, FL
Dennis Stackhouse
Poinciana Partners 780 Fisherman St, Opa-
Locka‘, FL 33054
Industry Code: 325412
Effective: 03/13/2007 -Withdrawn- 04/12/2007
Williams, J. Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850/224-9634
106 E College Ave 12th Floor, Tallahassee, FL
Dennis Stackhouse
Poinciana Partners 780 Fisherman St, Opa-
Locka, FL 33054
Industry Code: 325412
Effective: 03/13/2007 -Withdrawn- 04/12/2007
Dudley, Fred R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850/521-8013
106 E College Ave Ste 1200, Tallahassee, FL
Dennis Stackhouse
Poinciana Partners 780 Fisherman St, Opa-
Locka, FL 33054
Industry Code: 325412
Effective: 03/13/2007 -Withdrawn- 04/12/2007
Miami Dade Lobbyists for Poinciana Parters LLP
Lobbyist Subject Registration Date
NONE 1/18/2007
NONE 1/18/2007
NONE 1/18/2007
NONE 2/1/2007
NONE 2/1/2007
One of the things I'd like to see is term limits for this commissioners who keep getting voted in. Of course we need to get people to go out and vote in the first place. Keep up the great job the citizens need to stay informed and maybe they will demand action
Mike Abrams is the one of the lobbyists who are trying to "get the votes" to convince commissioners to give up Bicentennial Park waterfront park land and hand it over to "his clients". Probably similiar to talking M-D commissioners into giving up land and money for this scam. Who represents the taxpayers?
I changed my title: From Pedophiles Among Us because it was obscuring what I was trying to explain which is rather simple:
People protect image of father/mother, political father/mother to a fault.
Commissioner Rolle being the perfect example from the political realm of people refusing to see/accept the truth.
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