“The Everglades also are a source of drinking water for almost 5 million residents; a giant limestone sponge that helps to absorb the floodwaters from tropical storms and hurricanes; and one of the major engines of tourism for South Florida.” And he said:
“The ability of the ecosystem to store water -- for both people and nature -- has been seriously compromised. The existing ''plumbing'' makes it almost impossible to improve conditions for one user of water without harming another.”
So even if you don’t give a damn about animals this is an important issue for you. It is your water stupid! It is much more important than Paris.
Let me explain. This does get better so hit on read more.
The Everglades is an ecosystem. My understanding of an ecosystem is very basic. Here is my example (excuse me scientists everywhere).
Sawgrass needs a low amount of phosphorus or cattails take over. The alligator clears a patch of sawgrass to nest. This little clearing breeds fish in great abundance. The lazy birds don’t feed unless there is enough density of fish. In these alligator clearing the density of fish is just right. And it prevents birds from nesting if they can't find these dense deposits of fish. And the water has to be the exact right depth for wading birds' legs. So the water depth, the quality of the water, the alligator, the amount of fish and (a lot of other things) -- everything in the Everglades depends on something else happening. That is what an ecosystem is. If you foul up one thing the system falls like a house of cards.
Dan Kimball is a hydrologist by trade (and a hell of a nice guy) so he knows water. He was talking to the Subcommittee about salt water intrusion brought about by climate change. Read his statement. Better than me trying to explain it. I think what struck me about what he said, that I quoted above, made me conclude that we humans in South Florida are now part of this ecosystem, like it or not. Are you listening Natacha Seijas?
P.S. Blaspehmy: The mural of the Everglades outside the County Hall chambers. Most politicians that are a part of this Government body have only contempt for the Everglades. To see the mural there, hurts the soul.
Between Paris and Ana Nicolle there is not much ink left for the Everglades. The sad thing is, I think, the Herald is printing what most of the people want to read. We are intelluctally lazy. Paris and Ana Niclolle are easy to understand, the Everglades takes a synapse or two.
I thought my explanation of an ecosystem was pretty basic - maybe with a one synapse rating..I am sure if Kimball reads my post it will make him wince...
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