There were a lot of protesters to greet President Bush yesterday. Gee I wonder why? I found this picture, which I think is of two of the most vocal protesters, they might have been arrested (reason for the solemn faces). Lame Duck President Bush was here to speak at a graduation but who cares.
The part I care about is that Ed Easton held a $25,000 a plate fundraiser, with headliner Bush, at Easton's home on Key Biscayne. I wonder if anyone went.
This is the same Ed Easton who is trying to do that giant development called Parkland (with Lennar) out northwest of the Tamiami Airport. See my post
March 27th and
March 28th
I couldn't find a photo of Ed so here is Stuart Miller of Lennar.
Those protesters look vaguely familiar...and threatening!
Very funny.
Lovely, I wonder if easton will sit himself down next to me at the next zoning meeting I attend. Maybe the bcc will think he and I are buddys. Wait. I guess I need to cough up 25k first?
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