A reader asked for it so here is a document with many of the players we can expect in the upcoming, giant Parkland Development. Besides Easton, we have Lennar -- the big gun. Lobbyist Bercow will run the show. Swakon will justify any Engineering questions, Rob Curtis leads the planning. The usual suspects. Kathy Sweetapple will say it won't effect traffic and Andrew Dolkart will justify the economics. They always assemble the same crew for these mega developments.
See Previous Post: March 23, 2007, "Bad Broward’s Wicked Weston and Look What Ed Easton is bringing to Miami!"
Type the rest of the post here
Please keep us in the loop on any kind of public forum we can attend to voice our protest over this tragedy in the making.
Ed Easton, a good friend of Jeb's, made a big bet that the housing boom would fill in to the land he owns. His carrying costs must be enormous. Still, there's no market for single-family homes or anything else in Miami Dade County right now. So why is Lennar involved? Lennar today announced a 73 percent drop in earnings, dragging down the whole public stock market. Maybe they figure they can make up in volume what they lose in profit.
It would be interesting to look at other projects that have involved this cast of characters, particularly Bercow and Swakon who seem to have played parts in a lot of projects involving wetland destruction, and see whether promises were kept, permits complied with, mitigation successfully performed, etc. I bet it would be very illuminating.
Swakon was involved with the one in Florida City.... and one on Old Cutler Road .... I know there was some lot clearing issues on Old Cutler Road....
Kathy Sweetapple!!
Even the commissioners laughed when she tried to show them that her employers project in West Kendall wouldn't affect traffic.
Maybe she can reuse those same project boards and get a repeat laugh.
Or maybe we can hope that after the laughter stops, someone will boot this sorry group of losers out of the room.
Okay, I deleted the last few comments after discussion with Gimleteye. And for the record, I do not think women should stay home/or not stay home with their kids. I don't care what mothers do.
That is not what these posts were about. The issue was: It was about getting too personal on consultants or not getting too personal.
I believed since items were public knowledge on the web, it was okay, however, we discussed it and decided to remove personal information on conslutents, I mean consultants.
Don't give in to negative comments. This blog provides insight that other sources don't.
Hang in there!
Wow, the big boys don't like to be challenged. G.O.D. you got to them, good for you!
I run a community web site also... And we delete things sometimes when we have to.... And trust me, I don't offer up reasons. If I have the writers email, I will email them and tell them why...but, if I don't have it, I can't help it.
So, stop whining about the deletions. Sometimes a site manager has to do it, and if a reader can't understand, you don't have to play in the sand box.
Anyhow G. you are doing fine.
last word...up at top there is a button you can create your own blog. Stop coming here if you don't like it. Go to your own meetings and report on them. I never said I was an expert on anything. If you are - an expert - I will be happy to read your blog.
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